Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 35
P. 17
NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
seventh fractionator at Mont Belvieu was
brought online earlier this year, bringing the
partnership’s total fractionation capacity to
more than 900,000 barrels per day.
ENERGY TRANSFER, September 01, 2020
San Mateo Midstream
announces completion
and start-up of Black River
processing plant expansion
in Eddy County, New Mexico
San Mateo Midstream today announced
the completion and successful start-up of
the expansion of the Black River cryogenic
natural gas processing plant in Eddy County,
New Mexico. The expansion of the Black
appointed board of directors, I would like to 11. The new board is comprised of Kevin River Processing Plant adds an incremental
thank our employees for their patience and Asarnow, Mark Bisso, Richard J. Doleshek, designed inlet capacity of 200mn cubic feet of
dedication during this process.” Mike Wichterich and Matthew Steele. natural gas per day to the previously existing
WHITING PETROLEUM, September 01, 2020 BRUIN E&P PARTNERS, August 31, 2020 designed inlet capacity of 260mn cubic feet
of natural gas per day for a total designed
Bruin E&P Partners, MIDSTREAM inlet capacity of 460mn cubic feet of natural
gas per day. The expanded Black River
notice of completion Energy Transfer announces Processing Plant supports San Mateo’s anchor
customer, Matador Resources, and offers
of comprehensive completion of Lone Star processing opportunities for other producers’
development efforts in the Delaware Basin.
restructuring Consistent with existing arrangements,
San Mateo’s customers may access firm
Bruin E&P Partners and its subsidiaries, an Express pipeline expansion transportation via pipeline and fractionation
exploration and production company with project for all natural gas liquids (NGL) and firm
assets in the Williston Basin, North Dakota, transportation via pipeline for all residue
today announced that it has completed its Energy Transfer today announced the natural gas volumes delivered at the tailgate
restructuring process and has emerged from completion of its Lone Star Express pipeline of the Black River Processing Plant, including
Chapter 11. The comprehensive balance sheet expansion project, which was a major part of those volumes attributable to the newly
restructuring equitises a substantial majority Energy Transfer’s 2020 capital programme. increased inlet capacity.
of the Company’s funded debt. The company The project was delivered on budget and San Mateo is currently completing
emerges with $230mn in revolver capacity. ahead of schedule. The pipeline adds over construction of approximately 24 miles of
Matt Steele, chief executive officer of 400,000 barrels per day of natural gas liquids large diameter natural gas gathering pipelines
Bruin, commented that “Bruin has been capacity to Energy Transfer’s existing Lone between the Black River Processing Plant
able to undergo an extremely efficient and Star NGL pipeline system in Texas. and the New Mexico and Texas state line in
uncontentious Chapter 11 proceeding due The new 352-mile, 24-inch pipeline southeastern Eddy County. The company is
to the support of our stakeholders, including originates in Winkler County, Texas and also completing construction of approximately
our vendors, suppliers, regulatory agencies, connects into the existing Lone Star Express 19 miles of large diameter natural gas
banking group, and additional members of 30-inch pipeline at the Morgan Junction gathering pipelines northward from the Black
our capital structure. Most importantly, our in Bosque County, Texas, south of Fort River Processing Plant, as well as 19 miles
employees have continued to work safely and Worth. It will provide shippers additional of various diameter crude oil pipelines from
productively through the process.” connectivity out of the Permian and Delaware certain points of origin in Eddy County to the
Mr. Steele continued stating “We would basins, further encouraging the recovery of existing San Mateo interconnect with Plains
like to thank each of our advisors for their production and jobs underway in the region. Pipeline in Eddy County (see San Mateo’s
guidance and tireless work and we look The Lone Star pipeline system ultimately August 6, 2020 press release). These various
forward to continue to operate in the connects into Energy Transfer’s Mont Belvieu pipelines are expected to be placed in service
Williston Basin through our premier acreage facility, an integrated liquids storage and at various times from early to mid-September
position and operational excellence.” fractionation facility along the US Gulf 2020.
Bruin emerges with a newly constituted Coast with strategic connectivity to over 35 These new pipelines, along with the
board of directors, effective in conjunction petrochemical plants, refineries, fractionators expansion of the Black River Processing
with the company’s emergence from Chapter and third-party pipelines. Energy Transfer’s Plant, substantially increase the footprint of
Week 35 03•September•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P17