Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 49 2021
P. 8

FSUOGM                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                         FSUOGM

                         forced instead to periodically sell gas cheaply to   "Any project that can end the sense of stasis,
                         Russia and Iran, which sell the gas on to Europe,  if it is non-divisive and involves both Turkmen-
                         Turkey and even Azerbaijan, at a considerable  istan and Azerbaijan, it could succeed," Luca
                         markup.                              Anceschi, an energy analyst and professor of
                           Previous attempts at developing pipelines  Eurasian Studies at Glasgow University, told
                         across the Caspian have foundered for a number  Eurasianet.
                         of reasons, one of the most significant of which   Meanwhile, the window for ambitious
                         was the perennial failure of the five Caspian lit-  new hydrocarbon projects could be closing, as
                         toral states to agree on the division and use of  European consumers – the target market for a
                         the seabed.                          trans-Caspian pipeline – are trying to transition
                           That issue is now resolved thanks to the 2018  to energy alternatives.
                         Convention on the legal status of the Caspian   "Turkmenistan is a perfect example of lost
                         Sea, which saw the five finally agree on how to  opportunities – being cautious won't help them,
                         divide up the sea.                   and this could be their last chance," Anceschi
                           The most advanced of the failed pipeline pro-  said
                         jects proposed in the late 1990s, partnered Shell   Currently, at least, there is plenty of demand
                         –  which held the rights to gas fields in Turk-  for more gas which Turkmenistan could meet.
                         menistan at the time – with GE and Bechtel and   "Azerbaijan needs more gas, Turkey needs
                         envisaged a huge pipeline carrying gas to Azer-  more gas and with plenty of spare capacity
                         baijan, on to Turkey and then across Turkey to  in the TANAP and TAP pipelines, there is the
                         Europe.                              European market which also needs more gas,"
                           That project, however, foundered after the  Arif Akturk, a Turkish energy consultant and
                         discovery of Azerbaijan's huge Shah Deniz gas  former head of gas purchasing at Turkey's state
                         field, after which Baku lost interest in transit-  gas importer and transit pipeline operator Botas,
                         ing gas for its Caspian neighbour, a volte-face  told Eurasianet.
                         which soured relations with Ashgabat for two   The main losers, Akturk said, would be Rus-
                         decades.                             sia and Iran, who could potentially face losing
                           Relations between the two are now much  both an easy source of cheap gas for themselves
                         improved, evidenced by the agreement earlier  and also stronger competition for their exports.
                         this year to jointly develop the formerly disputed   David O’Byrne is an Istanbul-based journal-
                         Dostluk oil and gas field.           ist who covers energy.
                           The timing could thus be right to finally build   This article originally appeared on Eurasi-
                         a pipeline, analysts say.            anet here. ™

       Gazprom reports Jan-Nov

       export numbers

        RUSSIA           GAZPROM ramped up gas supplies to Europe  its European sales in the first ten months of this
                         by 6.6% in the first 11 months of this year, the  year were up 10.4%, highlighting the impact of
       But November      state-owned supplier reported on December 6,  weak volumes in November.
       shipments fell to a   but deliveries during November were at a record   The European gas market is extremely
       record low.       low.                                 tight as a result of rebounding demand in
                           The company reported that it had shipped  recent months and continued supply con-
                         171.5bn cubic metres (bcm) of gas in January  straints, and this has kept wholesale prices at
                         through November to the so-called Far Abroad,  hubs at above $1,000 per 1,000 cubic metres.
                         which typically refers to Europe and Turkey  Gazprom has faced criticism for intention-
                         minus countries in the former Soviet Union.  ally withholding supply to prop up prices and
                         Deliveries to Turkey were up by nearly 84%,  earn more, although the company is fulfilling
                         Germany by 16.8%, Italy by 19.5%, Romania  its contracts and has said it is sending as much
                         by 221.8%, Serbia by 85.8%, Bulgaria by 43.8%,  gas as it can.
                         Poland by 7.5%, Greece by 12.2%, Slovenia by   Gazprom Export once again reported on
                         53.9% and Finland by 9.1%.           December 6 that it would not be offering any
                           However, the seemingly strong result also  additional gas volumes on its electronic sales
                         masked the fact that Gazprom’s European sales  platform. Its previous sessions on the platform
                         slumped in November to a new low for the year  were in late October for delivery in the third
                         of 12.7 bcm, the company’s data shows. Indeed,  quarter of 2022 and in 2023 ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   08•December•2021
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