Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 49 2021
P. 9

FSUOGM                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       NSR unlikely to rival Suez as major

       trade route anytime soon

        RUSSIA           THE Russian government sees the Northern  has set out on an ambitious course for NSR
                         Sea Route (NSR) emerging as an “energy bridge”  development supported by domestic indus-
       The NSR is an     connecting the country’s substantial Arctic oil  trial development, and although it will have
       important part of   and gas reserves with international markets, but  to overcome many practical difficulties in
       Russia's Arctic strategy   it is unlikely that it will emerge as a major tran-  achieving its ambition, it has already taken
       and its energy strategy.  sit route to rival the Suez Canal anytime soon, a  significant steps forward and appears likely to
                         new paper published by the Oxford Institute for  continue its efforts on putting NSR traffic on
                         Energy Studies (OIES) concludes.     a growth trajectory over the next decade,” the
                           Authored by OIES senior research fellow Vit-  paper concludes.
                         aly Yermakov and RUDN University researcher   The NSR is an important part of Russia’s
                         Anastasia Yermakova, the paper notes that Rus-  Arctic strategy and its energy strategy. Russia is
                         sia has put considerable effort over the past dec-  eager to assert its political and economic influ-
                         ade into transforming NSR into a major trade  ence in the remote region, and Russian oil and
                         route between Europe and Asia. A driving force  gas producers are advancing increasingly north-
                         behind the projected increase in trade over the  ern projects as some of their largest fields further
                         next 15 years will be rising LNG exports from  south near depletion. It is often not economically
                         the Yamal and Gydan Peninsulas, the paper says.  feasible to connect these remote projects to Rus-
                           “At the same time, the Russian government  sia’s national oil and gas pipeline systems, mak-
                         seems to recognise that the prospects for a major  ing shipment via sea the only option.
                         ramp-up in international transit volumes via the   “From a geo-political standpoint, NSR also
                         NSR in the next decade are limited,” the paper  provides a new avenue for developing interna-
                         notes. “As a result, the emergence of the NSR as  tional relations with new and existing customers
                         a major Arctic marine shortcut between Europe  for Russian hydrocarbons, while also allowing
                         and Asia that might compete with the Suez route  Russia to compete with key rivals in a rapidly
                         for a significant share of the overall international  globalising market,” the paper says.
                         shipping volumes remains, at best, a distant   However, Russia’s Arctic plans are also against
                         possibility.”                        a backdrop of growing environmental opposi-
                           Well-established maritime routes such as  tion to development in the region, as well as the
                         Suez already boast technological and logistical  development of hydrocarbons in general. The
                         efficiencies, whereas Russia will have to create  European Commission has even proposed an
                         NSR’s logistical infrastructure “almost from  EU ban on the purchase of Arctic oil and gas,
                         scratch,” the paper continues.       even though it is highly doubtful that such a pol-
                           “Nevertheless, it is already clear that Russia  icy could be implemented any time soon. ™

       Week 49   08•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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