Page 12 - GLNG Week 13 2022
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Sempra and TotalEnergies Mexico.
AMERICAS storage development projects in Northern
Flex LNG – Cheniere expand North American the US and European Commission, alliances
“With last week’s energy accord between
declares the option for the strategic alliance for between some of the leading energy
companies like TotalEnergies and Sempra
fifth LNG carrier LNG and renewable are increasingly important to transatlantic
trade and energy security,” said Jeffrey W.
Flex LNG announced today that Cheniere development projects Martin, chairman and chief executive officer
Marketing International has declared their of Sempra. “We own one of the largest
option to employ a fifth LNG carrier from Sempra and TotalEnergies today announced energy networks in North America, and by
Flex LNG under the time charter agreements that Sempra Infrastructure, a subsidiary of collaborating with TotalEnergies to create
announced April 14, 2021. Sempra, and TotalEnergies are expanding additional scale advantages in LNG and
Cheniere and Flex LNG has agreed that their North American strategic alliance renewable energy, our customers benefit from
Flex Volunteer will be the fourth ship under through two memoranda of understanding having access to cleaner and more affordable
the agreement and that this ship will be (MoU): one for Sempra Infrastructure’s energy options and improved security of
delivered to Cheniere mid-April 2022 rather proposed Vista Pacífico LNG project in supply.”
than during third quarter of 2022 as originally Mexico; and a second MoU for a proposed “We are pleased to further strengthen our
agreed. The time charter with duration of 3.5 offshore wind project in California under partnership with Sempra in North America
years has therefore been extended by about 2.5 development by TotalEnergies, as well as other in LNG and to extend it to renewables.
months to facilitate early delivery of the ship renewable energy and energy storage projects Over the past years, TotalEnergies has
to Cheniere. under development by Sempra Infrastructure become the leading exporter of US LNG
Flex Aurora will be the fifth ship to be in Northern Mexico. and has built up a pipeline of 4 GW of solar
delivered to Cheniere, and she will commence The MoU for Vista Pacífico LNG projects and 3 GW of offshore wind projects
her 3.5-year Time Charter during third contemplates TotalEnergies potentially currently under development in the US,” said
quarter of 2022 according to the original contracting for approximately one-third Patrick Pouyanné, chairman and CEO of
agreement. Last year, Cheniere took delivery of the long-term export production of the TotalEnergies.
of Flex Vigilant, Flex Endeavour and Flex liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility under SEMPRA AND TOTALENERGIES, March 31,
Ranger under Time Charters with a minimum development on Mexico’s West Coast, as well 2022
duration of between 3 and 3.8 years. as TotalEnergies’ potential participation as a
All existing Flex LNG ships are large LNG minority equity investor in the project. New Fortress Energy files
carriers with a cargo capacity of approximately The second MoU provides a framework
173,400 to 174,000 cubic meters and are for broader cooperation in the development permit application to deploy
fitted with efficient dual-fuel two-stroke of North American renewable energy
propulsion (MEGI/XDF). This makes the projects, including the potential acquisition its Fast LNG solution in the
ships particularly ideal for large parcel, long by Sempra Infrastructure of a target of 30%
haul transportation with the industry’s lowest of TotalEnergies’ equity interest in a proposed US Gulf of Mexico
carbon footprint and unit transportation cost. offshore wind project, which would result
The Time Charter Party Agreements in 24% of the project, in preparation for an New Fortress Energy today announced that
remain subject to certain closing conditions in upcoming auction off the coast of California. it has concurrently filed applications with the
connection with the delivery and acceptance In addition, the MoU provides the framework US Maritime Administration, the US Coast
of the LNG carriers to Cheniere. for TotalEnergies’ potential acquisition of Guard and US Department of Energy to
FLEX LNG, April 01, 2022 equity participation targeting 30% in certain request all necessary permits and regulatory
Sempra Infrastructure renewable and energy approvals to site, construct and operate a new
offshore LNG liquefaction terminal off the
coast of Louisiana with a capacity of exporting
approximately 145bn cubic feet of natural gas
per year, equivalent to approximately 2.8mn
tons per annum (mtpa) of LNG.
“This announcement demonstrates the
flexibility, efficiency and significance of
our innovative Fast LNG solution to bring
more affordable, reliable and cleaner fuels to
customers around the world,” said Wes Edens,
Chairman and CEO of NFE. “This is a big
step in the growth of our Fast LNG portfolio,
which will include both tolling liquefaction for
high credit worthy partners like ENI as well
as market volumes from our merchant assets
like these. With rapid deployment, this project
can play a significant role in supporting our
nation’s commitment to our European allies
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 13 01•April•2022