Page 14 - GLNG Week 13 2022
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in 2023. In comparison with a conventional the industry needs. I hope that the AiP will jetty, is the first terminal enabling direct LNG
vessel, an LNG-fuelled vessel reduces CO2 encourage the uptake of evolving technology.” imports into Sardinia. Utilising the terminal’s
emissions by around 23%. GTT, March 31, 2022 LNG truck loading bays, Higas distributes
Philippe Berterottière, chairman and CEO LNG via roadtanker both directly to industrial
of GTT, said: “We are pleased to be granted users converting to cleaner and cheaper fuels,
with this approval by ClassNK with whom EUROPE and to gas distributions companies across the
GTT has had a close partnership for many island.
years. This approval once again highlights the Avenir LNG becomes sole Commenting on the agreement, Peter
constant evolution of our technologies to meet Mackey, CEO of Avenir LNG, said: “We are
the demands of the industry. Thanks to our shareholder in small-scale delighted to have signed this agreement to
innovation efforts, GTT membrane solutions acquire the minority shareholders’ interests in
are now applicable to a wider spectrum Italian LNG terminal Higas, thereby concluding the joint venture
of LNG-fuelled vessels, thus contributing which delivered the construction of the
increasingly to make the shipping industry Avenir LNG announced today that it has first LNG import infrastructure in Sardinia.
greener.” acquired the shareholdings of its minority This is another important step in executing
Hayato Suga, executive vice president, partners in Higas, thus becoming the sole our investment strategy. In addition to
director of plan approval and technical owner of the company. The minority partners continuing to be a trusted and competitive
solution division of ClassNK, said: “In view of were CPL Concordia from Concordia sulla LNG supplier to our customers in Sardinia,
the increasing role of LNG as fuel to shipping Secchia, and Gas and Heat from Livorno. Higas will continue to promote and enhance
decarbonization, the industry expects Higas owns and operates an LNG storage the long-term environmental sustainability of
more options to implement the technology and receiving terminal in the Port of Oristano Sardinia and Italy, and to take an increasingly
onboard. ClassNK is glad to have completed in Sardinia. The Higas terminal was the prominent role in these important energy
the safety evaluation on GTT’s new design, first dedicated small scale LNG depot in the markets.”
which has been developed responding to Mediterranean and via the adjacent deep draft AVENIR LNG, March 29, 2022
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 13 01•April•2022