Page 13 - GLNG Week 13 2022
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GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       and their energy security as well as support   in Jacksonville, Florida. The Clean Canaveral   ASIA
       our efforts to reduce emissions and energy   has a capacity of 5,500 cubic meters, making it
       poverty around the world.”          the largest Jones Act LNG bunker barge. The   GTT obtains an approval in
         The project will be located in federal waters   vessel operates as an articulated tug barge unit
       approximately 16 miles off the southeast   (ATB) and is owned by Polaris New Energy, a   principle from ClassNK for a
       coast of Grand Isle, Louisiana, and will access   subsidiary of Seaside LNG Holdings.
       abundant US gas supply by leveraging existing   This operation marks the first barge-to-  new design of LNG fuel tank
       infrastructure. Procurement of all long-lead   ship cool down performed in the United
       materials is complete and modular assembly   States. As part of the operation, LNG was   with 2 bar gauge design
       of equipment is underway. Subject to the   loaded onto the Clean Canaveral at the
       receipt of all required permits and approvals,   Jacksonville dock of JAX LNG, a joint   pressure for pure car and
       NFE targets beginning operations in the first   venture between Seaside subsidiary Northstar
       quarter of 2023.                    Jacksonville and Pivotal LNG, a subsidiary   truck carriers and cruise
         NFE’s Fast LNG liquefaction design pairs   of BHE GT&S. The Clean Canaveral then
       the latest advancements in modular, midsize   transferred approximately 600 metric tons   ships
       liquefaction technology with jack up rigs   of LNG to cool-down and bunker the tanker
       or similar offshore infrastructure to enable   “Eagle Brasilia,” owned by AET.  GTT has received an approval in principle
       a much lower cost and faster deployment   “As expected, the Clean Canaveral   (AiP) from the Japanese classification society,
       schedule than today’s floating liquefaction   performed very well during the bunkering   ClassNK, for a technological innovation
       vessels and onshore liquefaction terminals.  process. The McAllister Towing crew   applicable to LNG-fuelled pure car and truck
         With the recent announcement by the   operating the ATB, our vendors, regulatory   carriers (PCTCs) as well as cruise ships fitted
       United States and European Commission   agencies, JAXPORT and Polaris worked   with Mark III membrane tank.
       to ensure additional LNG volumes for   seamlessly together to ensure we were   This innovation is an upgrade of the Mark
       the EU, LNG production off the coast of   prepared for a successful bunkering,” said Tom  III system with a design pressure up to 2 bar
       Louisiana can support the EU’s goal to end   Sullivan, senior vice president of operations   gauge (barg) for LNG fuel applications. This
       its dependence on Russian fossil fuels as   for Seaside. “In addition, the working   upgrade is particularly useful for PCTCs
       well as NFE’s growing business around the   relationship between AET, its ship-manager,   and cruise ships offering improved pressure
       world of reducing emissions and pollution by   Eaglestar, and the crew on the ATB was key to   holding capabilities and increased operational
       providing a cleaner, affordable and reliable   the safe transfer of LNG. We greatly appreciate  flexibility especially during bunkering
       alternative to oil-based fuels.     AET’s confidence in our ability to safely   operations.
       NEW FORTRESS ENERGY, March 31, 2022  conduct this inaugural bunkering.”    The AiP from ClassNK confirms that
                                              Tim Casey, Senior Vice President of LNG   this new tank solution complies with
       Clean Canaveral completes           for Seaside said: “It’s rewarding to see the   the applicable safety regulations. GTT
                                           Clean Canaveral accomplish this step as it
                                                                                and ClassNK have studied, in particular,
       inaugural LNG bunkering in          represents the culmination of years of hard   maximum tank dimensions, tank structural
                                           work by many people. We have additional
                                                                                reinforcements, tank operating pressure
       Florida                             bunker deliveries already scheduled for later   during in-service operations as well as aspects
                                           this month and are actively growing our
                                                                                related to potential emergency situations.
       The Clean Canaveral, a new liquefied natural   customer base to supply much needed last   LNG propulsion offers ship-owners a
       gas (LNG) bunker barge operating along   mile logistics services.”       solution to comply with the GHG regulations
       the coast of the southeastern United States,   NORTHSTAR MIDSTREAM, March 28, 2022  being adopted by the International Maritime
       recently completed its inaugural bunkering                               Organization (IMO) and entering in force

       Week 13   01•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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