Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 39 2021
P. 12
Petrobras reports on
production stoppage
at Manati field
Petrobras informs that on Monday, September
27, gas production was halted at the Manati
field, located in the Camamu Basin, in the state
of Bahia, due to a leak in the onshore portion
of its export pipeline. The pipeline’s operation
was interrupted, with teams being mobilised for
repairs, and is expected to return by the end of
this week.
The causes of the incident are being investi-
gated. There is no risk of gas supply to the market
and Petrobras is keeping the competent bodies
Petrobras is the operator of the Manati field,
with a 35% stake, in partnership with Enauta
Energia (45%), GeoPark (10%) and Petro Rio expected significant EBITDA growth will eas- Melbana has a 30% interest in Block 9 and is the
Coral Exploração Petrolífera (10%). The average ily allow PetroTal to complete the remaining operator of the current drilling programme.
production of the field in September 2021 was Bretaña development wells, retire the bond obli- Encouraging hydrocarbon shows have been
3.1mn cubic metres per day, of which 1.1 mcm gations early and examine ways to return value encountered from soon after the first casing
per day was Petrobras’ share. to shareholders, in due course. point at 454 metres, when moveable oil was
Petrobras, September 29 2021 Manuel Pablo Zuniga-Pflucker, President reported at surface within the mud and cuttings
and CEO, commented: “We are entering the samples. The oil was accompanied by elevated
PetroTal spuds BN-9H fourth quarter in the strongest position Petro- gas readings. Drilling continued through the
Tal has seen, from both an operational and shallow limestones with similar shows persisting
well, says field production financial perspective. The recent rise in Brent over a gross interval of about 578 metres with
oil prices has created an environment for sub-
so far, with oil still on the shakers at the current
levels remain robust stantial returns on invested capital and we look depth of 1,047 metres. The oil appears to be
to continue our momentum into Q4-2021, and lighter than that normally seen at this depth,
PetroTal has commenced drilling Bretaña field beyond. Petrotal is showing it is well positioned supporting Melbana’s model of drilling in areas
development well BN-9H, the Compan’s next as a dynamic emerging market play, given our where higher source maturity may be expected.
horizontal well, and continued robust field pro- strategic investment in Peru’s Bretaña field, that At this stage, the significance of these sub-
duction in excess of 15,000 barrels per day (bpd) is delivering strong results.” stantial shows is uncertain but they will be fur-
of oil. PetroTal, September 29 2021 ther evaluated when logs become available at the
Well 9H drilling commencement: PetroTal conclusion of the current hole section. Samples
recently commenced drilling the 9H well, Petro- Melbana reports crude oil of the oil have been taken and submitted for fur-
Tal’s fifth horizontal well drilled by the Company ther analysis. However, as the main targets are
and the 10th oil producer. shows at Alameda-1 well still below the current depth of the well, any fur-
This will be PetroTal’s longest reach horizon- ther evaluation of deliverability and lateral extent
tal well to date; The well cost is approximately Oil shows consisting of relatively light oil have of this new potential oil zone won”t be consid-
$13.9mn and is the first to be drilled with a syn- been encountered from just below the casing ered until after the conclusion of drilling.
thetic mud system; Drilling and completion point at 454 metres to the current depth of 1,047 Melbana Energy’s Executive Chairman,
should be finished in the second half of Novem- metres, a thickness of 547 metres so far. Drilling Andrew Purcell, commented: “The unexpected
ber 2021; and The well is expected to contribute mud weight increased in response. recovery of live oil at this shallow depth provides
materially to exit 2021 production. Moveable oil was unexpected at these shallow an additional potential oil zone in Alameda-1
Bretaña’s average field production for the 10 depths and now represents an additional zone of and increases the prospectivity of other ‘Upper
days ended September 27, 2021 was 15,494 bpd; interest. The significance of these shows will be sheet’ structures in the Block 9 PSC. We are
Demonstrates success of the revised water dis- clarified once logging has been completed over encouraged for the chances of finding oil deeper
posal strategy, allowing full water disposal into that section of the hole. in the well and are drilling on towards our pri-
the two disposal wells; Using an $80 per barrel Drilling is continuing towards the first of the mary objectives.”
Brent oil price and PetroTal’s estimated EBITDA three mapped objectives (Amistad), with the Drilling is continuing ahead to the interme-
netback of approximately $47 per barrel, annu- deepest (Alameda) being the primary objective. diate casing point at about 2,200 metres, after
alised earnings before interest, taxes, depreci- Melbana Energy has provided an update on which a wireline logging programme will be
ation and amortisation (EBITDA) at 15,000 the progress of the Alameda-1 exploration well undertaken to further evaluate the current hole
bpd would be approximately $255mn; and This being drilled in Block 9 PSC, onshore Cuba. section.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 39 30•September•2021