Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 39 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       After running casing, drilling will then recom-  to 2,100 metres and involves acquisition and  families in situations of social vulnerability to
       mence towards the deeper objectives of Alam-  analysis of geophysical data and geotechnical  contribute with access to essential inputs, focus-
       eda-1. The primary objectives of the Alameda-1  soil samples. Fugro will use this information to  ing on LPG, popularly known as cooking gas.
       well are the N and Alameda structures in the  characterise site conditions and identify poten-  The programme aims to align the company’s
       lower sheet.                        tial geohazards, helping the client to de-risk  social actions with that practiced by other mar-
       Melbana Energy, September 27 2021   potential development activities.    ket players and it is justified by the effects of the
                                              The nearly seven-month-long field pro-  exceptional situation and emergency resulting
       Touchstone announces                gramme was accomplished from the Fugro Bra-  from the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                           silis, using an autonomous underwater vehicle
                                                                                  “We are a socially responsible company com-
       Royston-1 drilling results          (AUV) for most of the geophysical data collec-  mitted to improving the living conditions of
                                           tion and piston and box corers for the seabed  families, particularly the most vulnerable. The
       Touchstone Exploration has completed drill-  soil sampling. This approach was informed by 20  pandemic and all its consequences have brought
       ing the Royston-1 exploration well and has  years of experience in the region, including the  more hardship to people in poverty. This fact
       announced that the well encountered sub-  collection of nearly 15,000 line-km of geophys-  alerts Petrobras to reinforce its social role, con-
       stantial hydrocarbon accumulations based on  ical data and dozens of soil core samples in the  tributing even more to society,” says Petrobras
       drilling and wireline log data. Touchstone has  Guyana-Suriname basin. To streamline project  CEO Joaquim Silva e Luna.
       an 80% operating working interest in the well,  delivery and reduce the carbon footprint, Fugro   The programme’s model is in the final stage
       which is located on the Ortoire block onshore in  performed initial data processing and laboratory  of studies, including the definition of the cri-
       the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Heritage  testing onboard the vessel.  teria for choosing families in vulnerable situa-
       Petroleum Co. (HPC) holds the remaining 20%   “This work represents one of Fugro’s largest  tions and the search for partners who can join
       working interest.                   site characterisation programmes in the region  forces and increase the amount to be invested,
         Highlights: Royston-1 was drilled to a total  over the past several years,” said Brian Hottman,  with the possibility of creating a fund that will
       depth of 10,700 feet (3,260 metres) and is the  Fugro’s director for the Caribbean and Pacific  allow other companies to join the project. With
       deepest exploration well drilled by Touchstone  South America. “Our history in the region and  this pioneering initiative, Petrobras reaffirms its
       to date. Mud logging and wireline logs indicate  our shared commitment to safety, sustainability  commitment to the well-being of society.
       hydrocarbon accumulations in the Lower Cruse,  and local content is adding value to the project   Petrobras, September 29 2021
       Karamat and Herrera sections. The well encoun-  and helping our client meet their responsible
       tered a total Herrera turbidite thickness of 1,014  resource development goals for Block 58.”
       feet or 309.1 metres (609 feet or 185.6 metres net   Fugro, September 27 2021  PERFORMANCE
       sand) in two stacked thrust sheets.
         An aggregate 393 gross feet (119.8 gross   PGS wins 3-D seismic        Argos Resources announces
       metres) of hydrocarbon pay was identified in
       two unique thrust sheets in the Herrera sands   contract from ExxonMobil for  2021 interim financial results
       from 9,700 feet (2,960 metres) to total depth,
       with wireline logs indicating that the well was in   work offshore Suriname  AIM-listed Argos Resources, the Falkland
       hydrocarbon pay at total depth.                                          Islands based company focused on the North
         The well is currently being cased and pre-  PGS has secured a 3-D acquisition contract  Falkland Basin, has announced its interim
       pared for production testing of the Herrera  with ExxonMobil for work offshore Suriname.  financial results for the six months ended June
       Formation.                          Ramform Tethys is scheduled to commence  30, 2021.
         The Royston-1 well was the final exploration  acquisition during Q4-2021, and it is planned to   Chairman’s Statement: “During the reporting
       commitment under Touchstone’s Ortoire Explo-  complete in Q1-2022.       period of the first half of the year there has been
       ration and Production Licence. The Company   “We are very pleased with this contract award  a significant stabilisation of the oil markets fol-
       has an 80% working interest in the licence but is  by ExxonMobil. We are increasingly familiar  lowing a turbulent year in 2020. Brent crude oil
       responsible for 100% of the drilling, completion  with Caribbean waters and have proven the pro-  prices have traded in the range of $43 per barrel
       and testing costs associated with the initial five  ductivity advantage of our Ramform Titan-class  at the beginning of the year, increasing to over
       exploration wells. Heritage holds the remaining  acquisition platform and superior data quality  $75 per barrel by the end of June 2021. This fairly
       20% working interest.               provided by our multi-sensor GeoStreamer  steady rise in prices has been driven by increas-
       Touchstone Exploration, September 24 2021  technology in this prolific exploration area,” says  ing demand, although still below pre-Covid 19
                                           President and CEO in PGS, Rune Olav Pedersen.  pandemic levels, and reduced production by
                                           PGS, September 24 2021               OPEC+.

       Fugro completes geohazard           ESG
       investigation at Block 58           Petrobras expands

       Fugro has finalised fieldwork on a site investi-  distribution of LPG
       gation programme for TotalEnergies off the
       north-west coast of Paramaribo in Block 58 of  Petrobras informs that the company’s Board
       the Guyana-Suriname Basin.          of Directors approved, today, the allocation of
         The project sits approximately 150 km off-  BRL300mn, over a period of 15 months, for
       shore in water depths ranging from 60 metres  the creation of a social programme to support

       Week 39   30•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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