Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       MIDSTREAM                           apply its TrustWellTM certification process   a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to
                                           and continuous emissions monitoring   facilitate the use of LNG as a marine fuel at
       Tennessee Gas,                      devices to SWN production sites in the   the Port. This will be the fourth LNG marine
                                           Appalachian Basin, ensuring a methane
                                                                                bunkering location that Stabilis supports on
       Southwestern Energy reach           intensity rate of 0.28% or lower, per ONE   the Gulf Coast.
                                           Future upstream targets (production,
                                                                                  Under the terms of the MOU, CPP and
       responsibly sourced natural         compression and gathering). SWN      Stabilis will work together to provide turnkey
                                                                                LNG fueling solutions to marine vessels calling
                                           achieved an intensity rate of 0.055% in
       gas agreement                       2019, according to its annual Corporate   on the Port, including identifying suitable dock
                                           Responsibility report, and is pursuing
                                                                                space for shore-to-ship fueling operations,
       Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP), a subsidiary   further emission reductions through   obtaining the necessary permits and approvals,
       of Kinder Morgan, and Southwestern Energy   various initiatives. The KMI transportation   identifying and educating potential customers,
       Company today announced the initiation   network, including TGP, has significantly   and executing LNG fueling events. Stabilis will
       of a responsibly sourced natural gas (RSG)   beat its 0.31% ONE Future transmission   deploy its existing fleet of mobile cryogenic
       strategic agreement. The goal of the agreement  target with a rate of only 0.03% in 2019,   assets, including LNG transportation and
       is to further reduce methane emissions across   as published in the company’s latest ESG   distribution equipment, and provide LNG
       the natural gas value chain by receiving and   report.                   from its liquefaction facilities in Port Allen,
       transporting RSG to market and, in this case,   KINDER MORGAN, September 19, 2021  LA and George West, TX to support LNG
       specifically to a market in the Northeast. RSG                           fueling operations. LNG bunkering services are
       is natural gas that has been produced from a                             expected to be available at CPP by the end of
       natural gas well and transported by companies  ENERGY TRANSITION         2021.
       whose operations have been independently                                   “Stabilis is excited to partner with the
       verified as meeting certain environmental,   Stabilis adds fourth Gulf   Cameron Parish Port on this LNG marine
       social and governance (ESG) standards,                                   bunkering opportunity,” said Westy Ballard
       particularly related to methane emission   Coast LNG marine bunkering    President and CEO of Stabilis. “The use of
       reductions.                                                              LNG as a marine fuel is growing rapidly
         RSG goes through a rigorous verification   location                    around the world as marine customers seek
       process to certify that it meets or exceeds                              to meet their energy transition objectives.
       the standards established by the ONE   The Cameron Parish Port, Harbor & Terminal   Adding Cameron Parish Port as our fourth
       Future coalition, which are designed to   District (CPP) in Louisiana and Stabilis   Gulf Coast bunkering location gives our
       achieve a 1% or lower methane intensity   Solutions, a leading provider of energy   customers and partners greater flexibility as
       level, or 99% methane efficiency, by 2025.   transition services including LNG and   they plan their operations.”
       With this agreement, Project Canary will   hydrogen fueling solutions, have entered into   STABILIS SOLUTIONS, September 21, 2021

       Week 38   23•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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