Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

                         while Shell owns 45.39% of Ursa and BP, Exx-  Ida, a Category 4 hurricane, severely dis-
                         onMobil (15.9600%) and ConocoPhillips own  rupted upstream operations production in the
                         22.69%, 15.96% and 16.96% respectively.  Gulf of Mexico as well as coastal downstream
                           The Anglo-Dutch super-major noted that  operations in late August.
                         around 60% of its operated production in   According to the US Bureau of Safety and
                         the Gulf of Mexico was back online, with this  Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), 95.7% of
                         including the Turritella floating production,  Gulf oil production and 93.8% of gas output was
                         storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. The  shut in when the storm made landfall on August
                         company noted that the hurricane had not dis-  29. This equates to 1.74mn barrels per day (bpd)
                         rupted its Perdido asset in the south-western  and 2.09bn cubic feet (59.2mn cubic metres) per
                         Gulf of Mexico.                      day of oil and gas shut-ins respectively.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Opposition mounts to Tilbury LNG expansion

        CANADA           THE City of Vancouver on September 22 passed
                         a non-binding motion to oppose a planned
                         expansion at the Tilbury LNG plant, citing the
                         emissions that the project will cause.
                           The C$3.0-3.5bn ($2.4-2.8bn) Tilbury
                         LNG Phase Two Expansion Project will
                         result in a tenfold increase in the facility’s
                         LNG production capacity to 7,700 tonnes
                         per day (2.8mn tonnes per year). Its oper-
                         ator, FortisBC, said that growing interna-
                         tional demand justifies the investment,   Critics of the Tilbury expansion argue that
                         although it is yet to sanction development.  much of the gas that will supply the facility will
                           The motion, put forward by Councillor Chris-  come from hydraulic fracturing operations in
                         tine Boyle, warned that the expansion would  north-east British Columbia. The cities of Rich-
                         undermine efforts to tackle climate change.  mond and Port Moody have already expressed
                           “I think we need to take a leadership role here  their opposition to the project, although the city
                         and oppose this [greenhouse gas] emitting, dan-  of Delta, where the facility is located, is yet to take
                         gerous project,” another supporter of the motion,  such a step.
                         Jean Swanson, said.                    The expansion project was due to have a larger
                           New upstream developments have come  capacity of 11,000 tpd, but FortisBC downsized it
                         under heightened scrutiny since the Inter-  in to 7,700 tpd. This was after the company filed
                         national Energy Agency (IEA) released a  a detailed project description with authorities
                         report in May stating that in the scenario  in September, around 18 months after filing the
                         where the world reaches the 2050 net-zero  initial project description. The company is yet
                         emissions target, no further investment in  to say when it intends to take a final investment
                         either oil or gas is needed.         decision (FID) on the project.™

       Week 38   23•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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