Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Common Shares, representing approximately   deliver average production of 500,000-
                                           39.71% of the issued and outstanding   510,000 boepd, $3.7 billion of cash flow
       Tourmaline, Topaz close             Common Shares.                       (CF) and $2.5 billion of FCF on strip
                                                                                pricing. The 2022 EP capital budget,
                                              Tourmaline sold the Common Shares as
       secondary offering                  part of a long term plan to reduce its equity   essentially a maintenance program, is $62
                                                                                million less than previous estimates given
                                           position as Topaz develops and continues
       Tourmaline Oil and Topaz Energy announced   to succeed as an independent royalty and   specific facility projects and select drilling
       today the closing of the previously announced   infrastructure company. Tourmaline’s   accelerated into 2H 2021. Production, CF,
       secondary offering of common shares of   reduction in Topaz equity is also in step with   and FCF are all higher than previous 2022
       the Company. Pursuant to the Offering, the   its commitment to continue to reduce overall   guidance. The Company expects capital
       Selling Shareholder sold 7,000,000 Common   debt levels of Tourmaline and accelerate   efficiencies to improve further in 2022 as
       Shares at a price of $15.45 per Common   shareholder returns as the long term debt   a significant portion of the planned 2022
       Share for total gross proceeds to the Selling   target is achieved. The Offering will expand   facility expenditures have been accelerated
       Shareholder of $108.15 million. The Company   Topaz’s free-trading share float and provide   into 2H 2021.
       has not and will not receive any of the   new and existing shareholders with enhanced   The 2021 EP capital program has been
       proceeds of the Offering.           trading liquidity which is in-line with Topaz’s   increased to $1.375 billion with the 2H
         The Offering was made, on a bought deal   strategic objectives.        2021 increase focused on liquids business/
       basis, pursuant to an underwriting agreement   TOURMALINE OIL, September 21, 2021  production increases and related liquids
       dated effective August 30, 2021 among the                                margin improvements, and the modest
       Company, the Selling Shareholder and Peters   Tourmaline announces       acceleration of drilling activities. Full-year
       & Co. Limited (the “Lead Underwriter”),                                  2021 average production is now expected
       BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., RBC Dominion   guidance update                   to be 440,000-445,000 boepd and increased
       Securities Inc., Scotia Capital Inc., Stifel                             full-year CF of $3.0 billion is now anticipated
       Nicolaus Canada Inc. and TD Securities Inc.   Tourmaline Oil is pleased to announce a   along with $1.6 billion of FCF. The majority
       (collectively with the Lead Underwriter, the   guidance update, the approved budget for   of the incremental facility capital is being
       “Underwriters”). In connection with the   2022 and details on its free cash flow (FCF)   expended in Q3, yielding estimated capital
       Offering, the Underwriters received a cash   allocation strategy, including the declaration   spending of $420 million in Q3 and $350
       commission equal to 4% of the gross proceeds   of a special cash dividend and an increase in   million in Q4. The updated 2H 2021/2022 EP
       of the Offering.                    its regular quarterly cash dividend.  capital program is consistent with previous
         Following the closing of the Offering,   The recently approved 2022 EP capital   guidance.
       the Selling Shareholder holds 51,149,494   budget of $1.125 billion is expected to   TOURMALINE OIL, September 21, 2021

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   23•September•2021
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