Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         last year – is worried about just such an eventu-  downturn that began in 2014. The buyers have
                         ality. The oil and gas sector accounts for around a  mostly been Canadian producers, who have
                         quarter of the country’s carbon emissions.  steadily consolidated their oil sands positions.
                           The prospect of stricter emissions rules as   Indeed, four Canadian giants – Suncor
                         well as a clampdown on subsidies has driven  Energy, Cenovus Energy, Canadian Natural
                         the Canadian Association of Petroleum Pro-  Resources Ltd (CNRL) and Imperial Oil –
                         ducers (CAPP) to call on Trudeau to support the  along with smaller player MEG Energy account
                         industry.                            for around 90% of the country’s oil sands
                         Seeking reassurances                   Moreover, the Canadian oil sands continue
                         “This election result reaffirms the uncertainty  to struggle with their public image in relation to
                         in Canada as we continue to struggle with pub-  their GHG emissions, prompting producers in the
                         lic health and economic issues related to the  region to lower emissions and pledge deeper cuts.
                         (COVID-19) pandemic,” the association said in   A joint venture between Japan Petroleum
                         a September 20 statement.            Exploration (JAPEX) and Nexen this week
                           It added that the industry was ready to con-  concluded the sale of its 75% stake in Hanging-
                         tinue working with the government to rebuild  stone Expansion to Greenfire Acquisition Corp.
                         the economy in a way that “advances Indigenous  (GAC). GAC had already purchased the neigh-
                         reconciliation, achieves environmental goals and  bouring Greenfire Hangingstone asset in April,
                         creates sustainable jobs and opportunities”.  after its operators ran into financial difficulties.
                           CAPP argued that the country’s oil and gas   Reuters, meanwhile, quoted one unnamed
                         industry was a “recognised leader in environ-  industry source on September 15 as saying
                         mental innovation and emissions reduction”,  that at least a dozen private equity-backed
                         before adding: “Every molecule of natural gas  upstream assets – valued at between CAD50mn
                         and barrel of oil not produced in Canada will  and CAD500mn – were up for sale. The report
                         be produced by other nations that do not share  chimes with Veritas Investment Research’s
                         Canadian environmental or human rights  analysis in July, which suggested that up to
                         standards.”                          CAD13.4bn ($10.6bn) worth of oil sands assets
                           The association said: “Our ask of the  could be put up for sale. The research firm said
                         federal government is to support Canadian  sales would be driven by mounting pressure on
                         prosperity by getting behind our own coun-  super-majors to cut GHG emissions and invest
                         try’s resources and to trust Canadians to  in renewable energy.
                         protect the environment rather than relying   Commenting on the investor sentiment,
                         on other nations to supply the world’s need  meanwhile, GAC CFO David Phung told Reu-
                         for natural gas and oil.”            ters: “I don’t think we are at the point yet where
                           CAPP’s requests for support come amid a  there is a flood, but another $20 per barrel
                         wave of consolidations throughout the oil and  [increase] and we could be there very quickly.”
                         gas industry as private equity seeks to exit the   The oil price recovery is presenting interna-
                         sector while international oil prices are high.  tional investors with a chance to cash in assets
                                                              that face increasing opposition from activist
                         Investor exit                        investors as well as wavering support from the
                         The Canadian oil and gas patch has seen a num-  Canadian government. This week’s election has
                         ber of international oil companies (IOCs) divest  done little to bolster confidence in Ottawa’s con-
                         their interests since the start of the industry  tinued support.™

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