Page 3 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2021
P. 3

NorthAmOil                                     CONTENTS                                          NorthAmOil

                                                    www. NEWSBASE .com

                                             North America Oil & Gas Monitor

                         US manufacturers call for restrictions on LNG exports                 4

                         Canadian election heightens oil sector concerns                       6


                         Laredo snaps up Permian acreage from Pioneer                          8

                         GAC acquires second Alberta SAGD project                              8

                         First Nations enter LNG NL project                                    9

                         ConocoPhillips acquires Shell’s Permian assets                      10


                         Shell aims to wrap up US Gulf repairs this year                     10

                         PROJECTS & COMPANIES

                         Opposition mounts to Tilbury LNG expansion                          11

                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                                        12

                         NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)

                         This week’s top stories...                                          14

                         OUR CUSTOMERS                                                        15

       Copyright © 2021 NewsBase Ltd. ISSN 2632-5411. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This
       includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its contents
       Week 38   23•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P3
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