Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       US manufacturers call for

       restrictions on LNG exports

       The expansion in US LNG exports is putting the
       squeeze on domestic industry, IECA has warned

        US               A major trade group in the US has urged the  cheap gas to ensure sufficient margins, and this
                         government to take steps to curtail the coun-  has led the group to adopt a somewhat contra-
                         try’s LNG exports, warning of high domestic  dictory position.
       WHAT:             prices and potentially shortages later this year.   Concerns that a surge in LNG exports could
       IECA has called for   The request revives a decade-long dispute over  harm domestic manufacturing are not new.
       restrictions on LNG   the economic benefits of rising LNG exports  Back in 2013, then CEO of Dow, Andrew Liv-
       exports and a freeze on   and the impact that they have on the domestic  eris, warned in a speech to the Senate Energy and
       new project permitting.  industry that depends on low-cost gas for power  Natural Resources Committee that “unchecked
                         and feedstock.                       LNG export licensing can cause demand shocks,
       WHY:                Industrial Energy Consumers of Amer-  and the resulting price volatility can have sub-
       The trade body has   ica (IECA), representing chemical, food and  stantial adverse impacts on US manufacturing
       warned of high gas prices   materials manufacturers with some $1 trillion  and competitiveness.”
       and potentially shortages   in combined annual sales, warned in a letter to   Back then the US LNG industry was still at
       this winter, undermining   US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm that  a nascent stage of development. But since the
       the margins of domestic   “US consumers, the health of the economy and  country launched exports of the super-cooled
       industry.         national security should take priority over LNG  gas in 2016, the number of projects in the pipe-
                         export profits.”                     line has ballooned significantly.
       WHAT NEXT:          The government should also put a freeze   The US already has 11.1bn cubic feet per day
       Depending on how   on new project permitting in the US Lower 48  (115bn cubic metres per year) of LNG capacity
       tight the market gets,   states, and carry out a review into whether these  in operation, and a further 87 bcm of approved
       the government could   initiatives are in the public interest, IECA said.  projects that are already under construction.
       impose some temporary   “We are certain they are not,” it said.  IECA is seeking a freeze on an additional 247
       measures to stem LNG                                   bcm of capacity that has been approved but is
       exports. But significant   Hurting other economic sectors  not yet under construction, along with 31 bcm
       changes in legislation are   Many of IECA’s members are involved in the  proposed with applications pending and 56.8
       unlikely.         US chemicals industry, which has long been an  bcm still at the prefilling state.
                         advocate of free trade, seeking the removal of   “Excessive LNG export volumes are inflation-
                         tariffs, subsidies and other barriers to trade that  ary and threaten the competitiveness of trillions
                         have hindered the export of their products. But  of dollars of manufacturing capital assets, mil-
                         at the same time, IECA’s members also rely on  lions of jobs and economic growth by driving

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