Page 5 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                      JANUARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         campaign pledge on stopping Keystone XL.  advancement and spending on the project.
                         However, he also welcomed other moves made   “After all of its twists and turns, the [Keystone
                         by Biden in the various executive orders signed  XL] saga is a cautionary tale for companies that
                         on January 20, including the moratorium in  have not acquired the social licence to develop
                         the ANWR and the decisions to rejoin the  their projects, merits aside,” commented an
                         Paris Agreement on climate change and World  Enverus analyst, Stephanie Kainz. “While it’s
                         Health Organization (WHO). (See: US rejoins  unclear whether there’s anything [TC Energy]
                         global Paris Accord in bid to tackle climate crisis,  could  have done  to  secure  all the  needed
                         page 14)                             approvals, it is clear institutional investors and
                           Biden’s move was criticised more sharply by  the broader community are demanding ever-
                         Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, whose govern-  higher [environmental, social and governance,
                         ment agreed to invest CAD1.5bn ($1.2bn) in  ESG] standards, including reductions in (real or
                         Keystone XL last year in a bid to help ensure  imputed) emissions. Even [TC Energy’s] elev-
                         the pipeline was built. In a statement, he said  enth-hour bid to make the system carbon-neu-
                         the Alberta government was “deeply disturbed”  tral, while forward thinking, may have come
                         that this was one of Biden’s first acts as president,  across as an afterthought.”
                         without more input from Canada – though   Kainz added that the need for takeaway
                         Trudeau said Canadian officials had already  capacity out of Alberta had also lessened over
                         made the case for the pipeline to the incom-  the course of Keystone XL’s life. Enbridge’s   For Biden,
                         ing administration. Kenney called on Trudeau  Line 3 replacement and the Trans Mountain
                         to enter into immediate talks with the new  expansion are able to provide “adequate” export   cancelling
                         US administration on the cancellation of the  capacity for more modestly growing volumes   Keystone XL
                         pipeline in the context of a broader agreement  out of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
                         between the two countries on energy supply and  (WCSB), she said.           is just one of
                         climate action.                       For Biden, cancelling Keystone XL is just one
                           “If the US government refuses to open the  of several moves signalling that he will prioritise   several moves
                         door to a constructive and respectful dialogue  climate change mitigation, marking a change
                         about these issues, then it is clear that the gov-  from Trump, who supported unrestrained fos-  signalling that
                         ernment of Canada must impose meaningful  sil fuel and related infrastructure development.   he will prioritise
                         trade and economic sanctions in response to  However, Keystone XL was considered to be
                         defend our country’s economic interests,” Ken-  the main target of swift action by Biden, and   climate change
                         ney was quoted by Canadian media as saying.  its demise does not necessarily spell danger for
                           But given the tone of Trudeau’s statement  other projects.                 mitigation.
                         on Keystone XL, the prime minister appears   More stringent regulatory reviews and stricter
                         unlikely to engage in any protracted efforts to  environmental standards can be expected, and
                         engage with the Biden administration over the  indeed Biden has already suspended new leas-
                         pipeline.                            ing on federal land. But these are changes whose
                           Indeed, while TC Energy said it was review-  implications will only be felt once current leases
                         ing Biden’s decision and considering its options,  expire. For most of the oil and gas industry, it is
                         the company has already said it was suspending  business as usual for now.™

       Annual Review 2021                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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