Page 7 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                     FEBRUARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The production losses
                                                                                                  were attributed to a
                                                                                                  combination of well
                                                                                                  shutdowns, flow-line
                                                                                                  outages and disrupted
                                                                                                  road transport, all
                                                                                                  caused by the extreme

                         Harvey made landfall in Texas in 2017.  restored relatively quickly, others will take more
                           While cold weather can affect instrumen-  time. Energy Aspects’ chief oil analyst, Amrita
                         tation that monitors and operates refinery  Sen, was quoted by Bloomberg as saying that
                         units, widespread power outages or instabil-  Permian output may not return to pre-freeze
                         ity of external power supply can also force  levels until February 22. Major infrastructure
                         shutdowns.                           will also take time to restart.
                           “The vast majority of their equipment will   Analysts from analytics firm Enverus com-
                         be inoperable once the weather warms up, so  mented that the crisis would also have lasting
                         while we don’t feel that we’re looking at a hur-  impacts.
                         ricane-like scenario,” it would probably take   “At this point it is not clear to what extent
                         about a couple weeks for the refineries to return  gas-fired generators had infrastructure damage
                         to pre-freeze operations, Reuters quoted a  preventing them from running versus a broader
                         Wood Mackenzie senior research analyst, Marc  shortage of gas in the south-central US,” they
                         Amons, as saying.                    wrote on February 16. “If the former, ERCOT
                           The issues with gas supply and power gener-  may face pressure to add a capacity market
                         ation also affected LNG terminals on the Gulf  (as exists in PJM, ISONE and other markets),
                         Coast. Both Freeport LNG and Cheniere Energy  which pays operators for availability rather than   Given that the
                         were reported in mid-February to be taking  just for generation, as the energy-only ERCOT
                         steps to minimise gas and power use in an effort  market does. Solutions to the latter are more   Gulf Coast is
                         to relieve some of the pressure on Texas’ grid.  complicated and difficult, entailing broader   an export hub,
                           And on February 17, Abbott ordered gas  re-regulation of upstream activity and/or top-
                         producers to refrain from sales outside the  down allocation of supplies on extreme days   outages in Texas
                         state until February 21 in a further bid to alle-  (such as cutting off LNG feedgas and/or indus-
                         viate supply pressure. However, it was unclear  trial consumers).”        could reverberate
                         immediately following the issuing of the order   The Enverus analysts noted that a previous
                         whether he had the authority to order produc-  spell of extreme cold in 2011 had also resulted in   across global
                         ers to disregard contracts for shipments of both  “issues around gas and electric market interde-  markets if they
                         pipeline gas and LNG scheduled to be shipped  pendence, including ERCOT rolling blackouts
                         out of Texas.                        and customers in Arizona losing gas service for   persist.
                                                              days”. Meanwhile, the 2014 polar vortex in the
                         What next?                           US Northeast had “precipitated some changes
                         Given that the Gulf Coast is an export hub, out-  in gas and electric nomination cycles and
                         ages in Texas could reverberate across global  information-sharing”.
                         markets if they persist. Much depends on the   Given the severity of the crisis in Texas cur-
                         weather – which is predicted to improve over  rently, it seems likely ERCOT’s actions will be
                         the coming week, but further cold spells cannot  closely scrutinised and that changes could fol-
                         be ruled out.                        low that may have an impact on the gas industry
                           And while some of the outages can be  in the state as well.™

       Annual Review 2021                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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