Page 12 - DMEA Week 17 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       Head of LAPSSET reports

       progress on oil pipeline project

        AFRICA           MAINA Kiondo, the director-general of the  and design [FEED].” Additionally, he stated, the
                         Lamu Port-South Sudan Ethiopia Transport  team has completed a geotechnical study of the
                         Corridor (LAPSSET) project, said last week that  right-of-way along the proposed pipeline route.
                         his organisation was moving forward with plans   LLCOP’s initial throughput capacity is
                         for the 892-km Lokichar-Lamu Crude Oil Pipe-  expected to reach 60,000-80,000 barrels per day
                         line (LLCOP), which will link the Lokichar basin  (bpd). When finished, the link will be part of a
                         to the Indian Ocean.                 transport and telecommunications corridor that
                           According to a report from The EastAfrican  also includes roads, a railway line, a petroleum
                         newspaper, Kiondo expects LAPSSET’s $1.5bn  product pipeline, a fibre-optic cable offering
                         pipeline project management team to wrap up  internet service and other facilities.
                         the inspection and survey of the proposed cor-  This corridor will terminate at the Kenyan
                         ridor in the near future and then issue its pre-  port of Lamu, which is already more than 85%
                         liminary report in June. Once this milestone  complete, according to Kiondo. The port is on
                         has been reached, he said, the team will be able  track to launch its first berth and container facil-
                         to start acquiring real estate for the project and  ity in about three months and will begin regular
                         compensating landowners.             commercial operations in October of this year,
                           These are necessary prerequisites to building  after the roads linking it to major regional hubs
                         LLCOP, he added.                     are finished, he said.
                           The director-general also described LAPS-  He also noted that land acquisition would
                         SET’s plans for the pipeline as “advanced,” saying  be crucial, since the corridor is slated to be 500
                         that the project had “undergone a major trans-  metres wide. To date, though, Kenya’s govern-
                         formation from completion of initial preliminary  ment has not acquired any of the land needed to
                         studies to completion of front-end engineering  build the new infrastructure.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   29•April•2021
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