Page 16 - DMEA Week 17 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                           oil firm prepares to sell another slice of its   of a 1% stake by a leading global energy
                                           business to international investors.  company in an important deal that would
       Grid operator Baskent               1% of Aramco to a leading global energy   boost Aramco’s sales in ... a major country,”
                                             Saudi Arabia was in discussions to sell
                                                                                Prince Mohammed said, without elaborating.
       Dogalgaz applies for IPO            company and could sell further shares   different stakes, and part of Aramco’s shares
                                                                                  “There are talks with other companies for
                                           including to international investors within the
       Baskent Dogalgaz, a natural gas distributor   next year or two, Crown Prince Mohammed   could be transferred to the (Saudi) Public
       that serves Ankara, has applied to Turkey’s   bin Salman said in televised remarks on   Investment Fund and a part listed ... on the
       capital markets board for permission to make   Tuesday.                  Saudi bourse,” he said in an interview aired
       an initial public offering (IPO).     A stake of 1% would equate to around $19   by Saudi TV marking the fifth anniversary of
         Torunlar Group bought the gas grid   billion based on Aramco’s current market   Vision 2030.
       operator in a privatisation deal worth $1.16bn   capitalisation.           The 2019 Aramco IPO was seen as a pillar
       back in 2013 from the Ankara Metropolitan   Sovereign wealth fund China Investment   of the economic diversification programme
       Municipality.                       Corporation (CIC) was among those that   aimed at attracting foreign investment.
         With nearly 1.9mn customers, Baskent   could invest, two sources told Reuters.  Prince Mohammed said in the
       Dogalgaz ranks as Turkey’s largest natural   Aramco was talking to CIC, as well as   interview that Riyadh was strengthening its
       gas distributor. It holds a licence to provide   Chinese national oil companies, said one of   relationships with China, India and Russia,
       natural gas in the capital until 2037.   the sources close to CIC. None of the Chinese   though the United States remained a strategic
         The company added some 70,000     companies could be reached immediately for   partner despite some differences with the
       households to its subscriber base each year.   comment.                  Biden administration, which has taken a
         Last year, its revenues amounted to Turkish   Aramco had been in touch with Chinese   tougher stance on Saudi Arabia.
       lira 5.04bn (€508mn).             investors for a few years and CIC is the most   “China has said Saudi Arabia is a strategic
         If it goes ahead, the IPO would mark the   likely investor, said the second source with a   partner, India has said Saudi Arabia is a
       first such offering of a natural gas distribution   state-backed private equity fund.  strategic partner and Russia has also said
       company in Turkey.                    “The kingdom does have close relations   Saudi Arabia is a strategic partner,” the prince
         Separately, Korkmaz Ergun, general   with China,” said a third source, who is close   said.
       manager of Borsa Istanbul, has predicted that   to Aramco. “The major shareholder will   Friction between China and the United
       the number of IPOs in Turkey this year will   decide what to do with their shares.”  States has flared in recent months on a range
       exceed 40.                            Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil   of issues, including Taiwan and Beijing’s use
         Since the start of the year, 11 companies   exporter, retained its position as China’s   of forced labour in its northwestern Xinjiang
       have gone public with a total IPO volume of   biggest crude oil supplier for a seventh   province, home to the Muslim Uighur
       TRY6.6bn, he added.                 consecutive month in March.          minority.
         “We expect public offerings to continue   Another source said before the COVID-19   REUTERS
       this year thanks to government incentives   pandemic, Aramco had toured around China
       provided for IPOs, such as corporate tax   looking for investors, talking to all the major
       concessions,” Ergun said.           state investors with overseas money, but   REFINING
       BNE                                 few were interested. CIC and China’s Silk
                                           Road Fund were also among the firms they   KBR awarded FCC
       Major Chinese investors in          approached.                          regenerator contract by
                                             Aramco, the world’s biggest oil company,
       talks to take Aramco stake          listed on the Saudi bourse in late 2019, raising
                                           $25.6 billion in the IPO and later sold more
       Major Chinese investors are in talks to buy a   shares under a “greenshoe option” to raise the   SAPREF
       stake in Saudi Aramco, several sources told   total to $29.4 billion.    KBR, Inc. has received a contract from
       Reuters on Wednesday, as Saudi Arabia’s state   “There are talks now for the acquisition   SAPREF for its fluid catalytic cracking (FCC)

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   29•April•2021
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