Page 17 - DMEA Week 17 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       regenerator project at Durban, South Africa.  partnership with Samsung Engineering   the Suez Canal Economic Zone’s development
         Under the contract, KBR will implement its  Co Ltd and CB&I Nederland BV (now   company, aims to produce value-added
       proprietary catalyst regeneration technology   McDermott International). As well enabling   petroleum products in order to fill Egypt’s
       that will allow SAPREF to improve the   the production of these new, cleaner fuel   domestic needs and enable exports.
       reliability and integrity of the FCC unit by   products, the project will also increase   The 3.56 million square meter facility
       optimising its catalyst and air distribution.  processing capacity at this key project for   is the latest part of the country’s efforts to
         KBR’s scope includes a technology   Kuwait’s refining industry.        try to develop an energy hub in the eastern
       license, basic and detailed engineering, and   Prashant Bokil, JV Project Director,   Mediterranean.
       proprietary equipment.              said: “We have progressively continued the   The products include polyethylene,
          “We are proud to announce that SAPREF   commissioning and handover of each unit   polypropylene, polyester, bunker fuel and
       has chosen KBR’s leading FCC technology for   and the Hydrocracker is another important   other petroleum and chemical products, the
       its project,” said Doug Kelly, KBR President,   milestone for this mega project. Thank you to   statement said.
       Technology. “As an FCC industry leader, KBR   everyone involved, we are focused on safely   REUTERS
       incorporates continuous innovations in its   delivering the remaining work ahead and
       solutions to help our clients achieve both their   completing the project to the full satisfaction   SABIC profits surge as
       business and sustainability goals in the most   of our client KNPC.”
       effective manner.”                     The Clean Fuels Project, Mina Abdullah   product prices strengthen
         KBR developed the world’s first   Refinery has a total of 12 new process units
       commercial FCC unit in 1942 and has   from five licensors, inter-refinery transfer   Saudi petrochemicals giant SABIC said first
       executed over 200 FCC grassroots and revamp  lines and interconnecting pipe rack. Seven of   quarter profit more than doubled to SR4.86
       projects globally.                  the units, along with associated flares, have   billion ($1.3 billion) compared to the previous
         In addition to helping refiners achieve   now been commissioned, with the Vacuum   quarter as average sales prices jumped.
       optimum product yields and environmental   Rerun (VRU) Unit 213 currently under   The Riyadh-headquartered company
       benefits, KBR’s FCC-based processes and   commissioning and the remaining four units   had made a loss of SR1.05 billion in the year
       proprietary catalysts provide innovative   (HCR-114, ARDS-212 and 112 and CCR-127)   earlier period.
       solutions to maximise operational flexibility   in advanced stages of pre-commissioning.  It said average sales prices increased by 22
       and margins.                           This is an engineering, procurement and   percent compared with the fourth quarter of
       HYDROCARBON ENGINEERING             construction (EPC) project on a massive   2020.
                                           scale. At the peak of activity, more than 15,000   The shares were about 2 percent lower in
       Petrofac commissions key            people were working on the Kuwait site. An   early trade on Thursday.
                                                                                  “The financial performance of SABIC
                                           exemplary safety record has been maintained,
       hydrocracker unit for KNPC          with more than 67.2 million work hours   improved in the first quarter of 2021
                                                                                compared with the previous quarter due to
                                           without lost-time incident since May 2018.
       Petrofac said that its Clean Fuels Project   TRADE ARABIA                increased margins driven by higher product
       for Kuwait National Petroleum Company                                    prices, supported by a rise in the oil price,
       (KNPC) has achieved a further significant                                healthy demand and tightness in the supply
       milestone, with the safe and successful   PETROCHEMICALS                 for most of the key products,” the company
       commissioning of Hydrocracker Unit 214 at                                said.
       Mina Abdullah Refinery.             Egypt signs deal to build              The first quarter 2021 profit was above
         This is the second largest hydrocracker                                an average forecast of SR3.68 billion, based
       unit in Kuwait. It is licensed with a feed   petchem complex in Ain      on five analysts in Refinitiv Eikon, Reuters
       processing capacity of 50,000 barrels per                                reported.
       stream day (BPSD) and will upgrade heavy   Sokhna                          Brent crude oil prices increased by
       gas oil fractions into lighter products through                          about 39 percent in the first quarter of 2021
       a hydro-cracking process using catalyst and   Egypt has signed a $7.5 billion deal to   compared with the fourth quarter of 2020.
       hydrogen. This will enable the production of   construct a petrochemical complex in the Ain   The Kingdom’s petrochemical sector has
       Kuwait’s new generation of ultra-low Sulphur   Sokhna industrial zone, the cabinet said on   benefited from rebounding global demand
       fuel products, including Euro 5 Diesel,   Wednesday.                     for petrochemicals driven by a rise in
       Kerosene and Jet Fuel, Naphtha and LPG.  The deal, between the Red Sea National   consumption as economies emerge from a
         Petrofac is leading a joint venture   Refining and Petrochemicals Company and   year of lockdowns.

       Week 17   29•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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