Page 6 - DMEA Week 22 2022
P. 6
Sonangol keen to collaborate
with NNPC on downstream
AFRICA ANGOLAN NOC Sonangol paid a visit to its other African companies to “add value to their
Nigerian counterpart this week, noting its inten- hydrocarbon value chain and create energy secu-
tion to learn from and collaborate with the com- rity for the continent”. He added that the visit was
pany on downstream reforms. timely, given NNPC’s focus on commercial and
A Sonangol delegation met with the Nigerian operational efficiency as it transforms into a lim-
National Petroleum Co. Ltd (NNPC) in Abuja, ited liability company.
during which the Angolan side expressed its However, speaking to Downstream Mid-
intention to “understudy the company’s down- dle East & Africa (DMEA) this week, several
stream logistics and mechanisms of sales and industry commentators expressed surprise that
distribution of petroleum products […] and lay Angola wished to use Nigeria as its template,
the foundation for new partnerships,” according “given the latter’s poor performance in the refin-
to a statement released by NNPC. ing sector and the prevalence of powerful fuel
The delegation was led by Ana Paula Marran- marketers that hinder the state’s ability to reduce
jal Mesquita Do Carmo, a member of Sonangol’s fuel subsidies,” one said on condition of ano-
executive committee in charge of distribution, nymity. “While both countries have enormous
who said that “Angola is in transition from a potential, this feels like the blind leading the
monopolistic market to a competitive market blind,” another added.
and Sonangol needs to learn from an established The news comes as both countries are under-
and functional system like NNPC”. The Sonan- going major refining expansion programmes.
gol representatives received a tour of various Angola is building three refineries with a com-
NNPC downstream facilities in Abuja, Lagos bined 360,000 barrels per day (bpd), while Nige-
and Ogun State. ria is rehabilitating 445,000 bpd of state-owned
NNPC CFO Umar Ajiya said that the com- capacity alongside the construction of another
pany is “happy” and committed to working with 955,000 bpd or private-led projects.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 22 02•June•2022