Page 7 - DMEA Week 22 2022
P. 7

DMEA                                     POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

       Zimbabwe labour union demands

       fuel import chief be investigated

        AFRICA           A Zimbabwean labour union has demanded a  NewsHawks reported on May 22, citing the
                         corruption probe into the dealings of the chief  workers’ letter.
                         executive of the National Oil Infrastructure   “Matukeni changed this system . . . This
                         Company (NOIC) of Zimbabwe, which runs the  means most clients were being shortchanged
                         country’s sole liquid fuels importation pipeline  and NOIC would record huge gains or surpluses
                         and associated storage facilities.   at the end of the month.”
                           The Zimbabwe Allied and Petroleum Work-  This, ZIPAWU said, means the trucks deliver
                         ers Union (ZIPAWU) demand follows a filing by  less fuel than actually paid for. NOIC then makes
                         its secretary-general, Panganai Chiota, regarding  surpluses that, the letter says, the boss diverts
                         companies allegedly built up and run by NOIC  and sells for personal gain. The workers union
                         head Wilfred Matukeni using corruptly acquired  also claims that a company Matukeni owns gets
                         resources.                           preferential treatment in fuel allocations.
                           Chiota submitted information about the   In the latest letter, a copy of which NewZim-
                         companies to both the Zimbabwe Anti-Corrup-  babwe says it has obtained, ZIPAWU wrote: “We
                         tion Commission (ZACC) and the President’s  write to submit further information on top of
                         Office. On May 22, two independent publica-  our letter dated May 3, 2022. Matukeni’s logistics
                         tions, The Standard and NewsHawks, published  company, which we suspect to be fraudulently
                         the first dossier, dated May 3, indicating how  benefitting from NOIC, is called Bauxim Logis-
                         Matukeni allegedly pocketed $143,000 meant  tics, founded on September 1 2015. The active
                         for payment of overtime for 42 workers, sacking  directors are Hazvineyi Matukeni and Revai
                         them after they demanded their money.   Chingombe”.
                           That dossier also exposed how Matukeni   The workers union also alleged that another
                         allegedly ordered NOIC to manipulate temper-  company, Bauxim Logistics was founded on
                         ature readings of lorries delivering fuel to retail  May 28, 2018, in neighbouring South Africa,
                         outlets. Fuel responds to temperature changes,  where the active directory is also Hazvineyi
                         expanding when it rises and contracting when  Matukeni. ZACC has confirmed it is investigat-
                         it drops.                            ing Matukeni.
                           “In the past, the temperature would be taken   Zimbabwe and Mozambique jointly own
                         for every truck compartment when loading  the 287km pipeline that moves fuel from Beira,
                         to determine the actual quantity dispatched.  a port in Mozambique to Harare, Zimbabwe’s
                         This ensured that clients get the actual quanti-  capital. The 6mn litre/day pipe supplies 90% of
                         ties and potential losses or gains are recorded,”  Zimbabwe’s diesel and petrol needs.™

       Week 22   02•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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