Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 24 2021
P. 14

FSUOGM                         NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        FSUOGM

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  reduce the net carbon intensity of its prod-
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  ucts by 6-8% by 2023, 20% by 2030, 45% by
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  2035 and 100% by 2050, using its emissions in
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  2016 as a baseline. However, the court in The
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG's new  Hague ruled that the Anglo-Dutch major’s
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  policy on climate was “not concrete and is full
                         link for each section the full text will be available  of conditions ... that’s not enough.”
                         as before.
                                                              GLNG: IOCs Reportedly Bid To Participate In
                         AfrOil: McDermott, Sinopec On Track To  Qatar’s LNG Expansion
                         Win $2bn Ugandan Contract            Six leading international oil companies (IOCs)
                         US-based McDermott International has joined  have reportedly submitted bids to participate in
                         forces with Sinopec International Petroleum  Qatar’s giant LNG expansion project.
                         Service Corp. (SIPSC), a subsidiary of China’s   Citing industry sources familiar with the
                         Sinopec, to provide support services at the  matter, Reuters reported that the companies had
                         Tilenga oilfield in Uganda. The consortium  submitted bids for participation in the nearly
                         partners have received a conditional letter of  $30bn expansion project on May 24.
                         award (LoA) from TotalEnergies (France), the
                         operator of Tilenga, and hope to sign a contract  LatAmOil: Trinidad And Tobago Eyes Green
                         once all the shareholders in the upstream pro-  Hydrogen Production
                         ject reach agreement.                Trinidad and Tobago is looking into the pos-
                                                              sibility of diversifying into hydrogen produc-
                         AsianOil: Australian Government Backs  tion, Prime Minister Keith Rowley said last
                         Oil, Gas Sector                      week.
                         Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has   In an opening address for a conference
                         pledged that the oil and gas sector will “always”  hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Energy
                         be a pillar of the economy, even as domestic  Chamber, Rowley pointed out hydrogen fuel
                         investment in clean energy alternatives grows.  could play an important role in reducing car-
                            Morrison, during a video address to Aus-  bon emissions. To this end, he said, various
                         tralian Petroleum Production and Exploration  government agencies are examining propos-
                         Association’s (APPEA) annual conference in  als for promoting green hydrogen production.
                         Perth on June 15, said: “The oil and gas sector
                         is a major contributor to Australia’s prosperity  MEOG: Aramco Deal And TAQA Interest
                         – always has, will always be.”       In this week’s MEOG, Gulf deal making con-
                                                              tinues to garner attention, with Saudi Ara-
                         DMEA: Iraq Refining And Gwadar Cancel-  mco completing a $6bn sukuk and Chinese
                         lation                               interest in the UAE’s TAQA.
                         In DMEA this week, we look at the progress   Aramco last week raised $6bn via its first
                         made by Iraq on improving its refining sector  dollar-denominated sukuk in three tranches,
                         and Saudi Arabia’s decision to move a planned  attracting orders with a combined value of
                         refinery in Pakistan.                more than $60bn as it surpassed the reported
                            Iraq’s Ministry of Oil announced the partial  sukuk target of $5bn. The funds are likely to
                         rehabilitation of the Salah al-Din refinery and  be used in part to cover a portion of Aram-
                         completion of projects to increase fuel output.  co’s upcoming quarterly $18.75bn payment.
                         During a visit to the Doura refinery near Bagh-
                         dad, Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar spoke  NorthAmOil:  Consolidation  Wave  Shows
                         of intentions to cut the government’s gasoline  No Signs Of Slowing
                         import bill by up to 50% by the end of the year  The wave of consolidation sweeping the US
                         as part of a wider plan to end imports of the fuel  oil and gas industry shows no sign of slow-
                         by 2023, backed by new and upgrade projects in  ing, with yet more new deals announced in
                         the refining sector.                 recent days by shale producers.     See the archive and
                                                                Civitas Resources, which itself is cur-  sign up to receive
                         EurOil: Shell Reacts To Dutch Ruling  rently in the process of being formed through   *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                         Royal Dutch Shell will fast-track its energy  the merger of Bonanza Creek Energy and   for free by email each
                         transition strategy, CEO Ben van Beurden  Extraction Oil & Gas, has agreed this week   week here
                         announced on June 10, after a bombshell rul-  to acquire Crestone Peak Resources. Sepa-
                         ing by a Dutch court last month.     rately, KKR & Co.’s Independence Energy
                           Shell set some of the most ambitious targets  announced that it has agreed to merge with
                         in the oil industry earlier this year, vowing to  Contango Oil & Gas.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   16•June•2021
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