Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 24 2021
P. 13

FSUOGM                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Putin launches $14bn Amur gas

       processing plant

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin launched  Chayandinskoye gas field that feeds Power of
                         the $14bn Amur gas processing plant (GPP) in  Siberia.
       The plant will    the Russian Far East on June 9, with operator   The plant will also produce some 1mn tonnes
       significantly increase   Gazprom hailing the project was one of the larg-  of propane, around 500,000 tonnes of butane and
       Russia's helium   est and most advanced of its kind in the world.  2.5mn tonnes of ethane, which will be supplied
       production capabilities.  The first of the plant’s five trains is now up and  to the nearby Amur Gas Chemical Complex that
                         running, handling Russian gas en route to China  Russian petrochemicals group Sibur wants to
                         via the Power of Siberia pipeline. It should reach  develop with China’s Sinopec.
                         its full capacity of 42bn cubic metres per year in   Power of Siberia was brought on stream in
                         2025.                                December 2019 and will ship 38 bcm per year of
                           “This is a capital-intensive and knowl-  gas to Russia at full capacity.
                         edge-intensive project,” Putin said at the launch
                         ceremony via video link. “The cost of the entire  Helium
                         project is over 1 trillion rubles. I am sure that the  Putin noted at the ceremony that Russia cur-
                         last stage will be commissioned in 2024-2025 as  rently accounted for a mere 3% of global helium
                         planned.”                            supply. Amur GPP's completion will catapult it
                           Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller described the  into the top ranks of helium exporters, however.
                         plant “as one of the most cutting-edge and high-  According to Gazprom, global helium con-
                         tech production enterprises in the world.”  sumption currently stands at around 170-190
                           “Its construction schedule was extremely  mcm per year. Russia's output is less than 5 mcm,
                         tight,” he said. “Less than six years passed  which still makes it the fourth biggest producer
                         between the first pile and the start-up. An  in the world. Once Amur GPP is running at full
                         unprecedented amount of work was completed  capacity, Russia with overtake Algeria, which
                         in that period.”                     produced 14 mcm in 2020, and Qatar, which
                           In addition to sales gas, the Amur GPP will  produced 45 mcm, to take the second spot after
                         also produce up to 60mn cubic metres per year  the US, which produced 74 mcm last year.
                         of helium, which will be shipped to a hub in   Most of the helium will be exported. The
                         Vladivostok and then sold on international mar-  plant will benefit from low logistics costs thanks
                         kets. Gazprom recently revealed that almost all  to its close location to large markets in Asia. Gaz-
                         of the plant’s helium output had been contracted  prom has described the Chayandinskoye field
                         to buyers. The inert gas, which is valuable in a  before as a world-class helium asset. It contains
                         range of industries, is found naturally at the  1.4bn cubic metres of the gas in total. ™

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