Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 24 2021
P. 8

FSUOGM                                         INVESTMENT                                           FSUOGM

       Sibur eyes petchems plant in


        KAZAKHSTAN       RUSSIAN petrochemicals group Sibur is consid-  news agency reported on June 4, although it will
                         ering involvement in a gas chemicals project in  spend no more than 30% of its own funds on the
       The partners will reach   Kazakhstan’s western Atyrau region.  acquisition should it proceed.
       a decision on joint   The company signed an agreement at the   Austrian petrochemicals group Borealis was
       participation by the end   St Petersburg International Economic Forum  previously expected to build the complex’s poly-
       of the year.      (SPIEF) on possible co-operation on the project  ethylene train. But it pulled out in May last year,
                         with Kazakhstan’s national oil company (NOC)  citing the pandemic’s impact on economic con-
                         KazMunayGas (KMG) and Kazakh national  ditions. The company said at the time it was still
                         wealth fund Samruk-Kazyna. The complex  committed to building the polypropylene train.
                         would consist of a train capable of producing   The complex will be fed with ethane from a
                         up to 500,000 tonnes per year of polypropylene  nearby natural gas separation plant that KMG is
                         and another one turning out up to 1.25mn tpy of  developing. This facility in turn will be fed with
                         polyethylene. The plan is to build the complex  unseparated gas supplied by the Chevron-led
                         at a special economic zone 33 km from the city  Tengizchevroil (TCO) consortium.
                         of Atyrau.                             Kazakhstan wants to establish itself as a key
                           “Our partners have extensive experience  regional petrochemicals producer in the coming
                         in constructing and operating large facilities  years, to add value to its hydrocarbons reserves.
                         in oil and gas production, transportation and  The government envisages three petrochemicals
                         processing, and will in turn be able to support  plants being built in Atyrau by 2025, along with
                         the projects with the necessary raw materials  two more in the Shymkent and Uralsk regions.
                         and infrastructure within the special economic   Sibur’s other projects in the pipeline include
                         zone,” Sibur CEO Dmitry Konov said.  a large gas chemicals complex in Russia’s Far
                           The partners will reach a decision on join par-  Eastern Amur region, near the Chinese border.
                         ticipation by the end of the year after undertak-  It is slated to cost $10-11bn, although China’s
                         ing studies, Sibur said. Sibur could take as much  Sinopec recently came on board as an investor
                         as a 40% stake in the project, Russia’s Interfax  to share this expense. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   16•June•2021
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