Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 24 2021
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       How exposed is Belarus to EU

       oil and gas sanctions?

       Sanctioning gas transit would have far greater implications for Russia and its customers

        BELARUS          IN the aftermath of Belarus’ decision in late May  gas was piped through Belarus in 2020, accord-
                         to divert a Ryanair plane, in order to capture  ing to Gazprom, versus 42.3 bcm in 2018.
       WHAT:             anti-government protestor Roman Protasevich,   The idea behind the sanctions is that they
       The EU is considering   there have been calls in the EU for sanctions to  would rob Belarus of revenues for this transit.
       sanctions against   be imposed on the country’s energy sector. It is  However, it is Gazprom that owns the section
       Belarus.          worth looking at how Belarus might be affected  of Yamal-Europe that runs through Belarus. As
                         by such measures.                    such, Belarus’ main loss from sanctions would
       WHY:                The EU is likely to adopt sanctions against  only be the tax payments it gets from these tran-
       Sanctions against the   the regime of Belarusian President Alexander  sit operations, which amounted to only $50mn
       country’s gas transit and   Lukashenko later this month, its foreign policy  in 2020.
       oil product exports have   chief Josep Borrell told MEPs on June 8. In late   Sanctioning transit would have far greater
       been suggested.   May, German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass said  implications for Russia and its customers. Rus-
                         the EU had discussed sanctions against gas tran-  sia would have to divert shipments to Ukraine,
       WHAT NEXT:        sit across Belarus. Meanwhile, Lithuanian For-  at least until the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is up and
       Targeting transit would   eign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis has said  running. This would mean higher transit costs,
       hurt Russia and its   the bloc should consider hitting the Belarusian  as Russia has long complained that the reason-
       customers more than   oil sector.                      ing behind its desire to divert supplies away from
       Belarus. Hitting the                                   Ukraine is the high expense of using the route.
       country’s oil product   Gas transit                      Poland would be most vulnerable to a dis-
       exports would have a   Belarus serves as transit route for Russian gas  ruption in transit via Belarus, as it relies on the
       meaningful impact, but   supplies via the Yamal-Europe pipeline, which  route for roughly two thirds of its gas needs. It
       would also hurt Ukraine.  also runs through Poland before terminating in  would able to offset this loss through increased
                         Germany. Some 40.5bn cubic metres of Russian  LNG imports and supplies from Ukraine. The

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