Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 24 2021
P. 9

FSUOGM                                        INVESTMENT                                           FSUOGM

       Tatnef to buy major PET

       plant in Kaliningrad

        RUSSIA           TATARSTAN-BASED oil firm Tatneft has said  downstream activities is becoming increasingly
                         it will acquire 100% of the Ekopet PET plant  popular among Russia’s oil producers, given the
       Ekopet is the     in Kaliningrad region from the "bad assets" of  constraints in upstream investment presented by
       largest polyethylene   Trust Bank for RUB6.45bn. The oil company got  the OPEC+ output restrictions and tax increases
       terephthalate plant in   the asset in an auction with a starting price of  on heavy oil implemented from January".
       Russia and Europe.  RUB3.75bn.                           The analysts at BCS GM expect that Tatneft
                           As reported by bne IntelliNews, in Septem-  will likely earn at least its cost of capital on "the
                         ber 2018 the company approved a 2030 strategy,  relatively modest investment".
                         which targeted more refining and downstream   However, BCS GM's Ronald Smith argues
                         segment exposure, including the construction  that the deal does not justify the dividend under-
                         of a RUB70.6bn ($1bn) gas chemical complex  pay on 2020. For 2020, Tatneft paid 70% of net
                         by 2024.                             income versus the 100% of FCF the company
                           Ekopet is the largest polyethylene terephtha-  should have paid by the dividend policy, which
                         late (PET) plant in Russia and Europe, with a  makes an estimated RUB20bn difference.
                         capacity of 0.22mn tonnes per year (tpy).   "Therefore, the question of Tatneft’s actual
                           Tatneft commented in a press release that the  dividend policy remains outstanding," Smith
                         acquisition of Ekopet would help the company  wrote.
                         realise the development of its petrochemical   To remind, Tatneft's results in 1Q21 beat con-
                         business and help to lower its GHG emissions  sensus expectations on revenues, but underper-
                         along its value chain.               formed on EBITDA and net income.
                           Sova Capital analysts view the acquisition   Tatneft posted 17% year-on-year growth
                         as neutral, as the purchase price of RUB6.45bn  in revenues under IFRS to $3.5bn, adjusted
                         is just 2.5% of the estimated 2021 EBITDA of  EBITDA growth of 32% y/y, and net income
                         Tatneft. In 1Q21, the company reported free  growth of $0.6bn, up by 49% y/y.
                         cash flow (FCF) of RUB32bn and net cash of   The company's FCF in the reporting quar-
                         RUB26.6bn. Sova reiterated a Buy call on Tat-  ter stood at $0.4bn, slightly below an average of
                         neft's ordinary and preferred shares.   $0.45bn per quarter the previous six periods, but
                           BCS Global Markets are neutral on the  in line with the 4Q20, BCS Global Markets com-
                         acquisition itself, noting that "investing in  mented on June 4. ™

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