Page 10 - DMEA Week 26 2022
P. 10
Local firms account for 23%
of Al-Zour development
MIDDLE EAST FOLLOWING last week’s announcement that The second and third CDUs are expected to
test runs have begun at the Al-Zour refinery, be commissioned in October and December,
downstream-focused Kuwait National Petro- respectively, ahead of reaching full capacity in
leum Co. (KNPC) said that 23% of work on the early 2023. Al-Zour’s slate is expected to com-
plant was carried out by local firms. prise 186,000 bpd of diesel, 106,000 bpd of ker-
Speaking to local press, KNPC CEO Walid osene and 36,000 bpd of naphtha by the end of
Al-Badr said that of the total KWD4.86bn the year.
($16.03bn) investment, Kuwaiti firms had While KNPC is the main downstream affili-
been awarded contracts with a total value of ate of Kuwait Petroleum Corp. (KPC) – respon-
KWD1.1bn ($3.63bn). sible for downstream sector development and
“We give priority to the local contracting sec- oversight – Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Indus-
tor, which benefited by nearly 55% of [KNPC’s] tries Co. (KIPIC) was set up to implement, man-
spending during the 2021-2022 fiscal year,” he age and operate Al-Zour, an integrated project
said. covering refining, petrochemicals and new
The announcement comes as efforts to com- regasification terminal, LNG Import (LNGI),
mission the 615,000-barrel per day (bpd) facility which has a capacity of 22mn tonnes per year
begin to bear fruit. (tpy).
One of the refinery’s three 205,000 barrel Once complete, the refinery will take Kuwait’s
per day (bpd) crude distillation units (CDUs) throughput capacity to 1.415mn bpd following
was reported to have started up last week, with the recent completion of the long-awaited Clean
the unit to be fully commissioned later in the Fuels Project (CFP), while the country has previ-
summer. ously spoken of plans to reach 2mn bpd.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 26 30•June•2022