Page 13 - DMEA Week 26 2022
P. 13

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                           large land parcel, available with Bina Refinery.  visits to the production process and the
                                             These projects - being cost-intensive -   progress of overhaul operations of South Pars
       Bharat Oman Refineries              will get quicker financial closure, after the   gas complex refineries and during his visit to
                                                                                the third and sixth refineries of this complex,
                                           amalgamation. Additionally, they will also
       amalgamates with BPCL               have access to BPCL’s support functions,   Ahmad Zamani said: “The current stable and
                                           business processes and talent pool.
                                                                                continuous production in the South Pars Gas
       State-run Bharat Petroleum Corp. (BPCL) on   Bharat Petroleum’s refineries at Mumbai,   complex has been achieved with the efforts
       Friday announced the amalgamation of its   Kochi and Bina have a combined refining   and dedication of you, the dear personnel;
       subsidiary refinery Bharat Oman Refineries   capacity of around 35.3 MTPA, while its   We hope that in the shadow of empathy and
       (BORL) in Bina with itself.         marketing infrastructure includes a network   teamwork, we can take bigger steps in the
         “The amalgamation is expected to be   of installations, depots, retail outlets, aviation   direction of serving the society and prosperity
       mutually beneficial to both companies. BPCL   service stations and LPG distributors.  of the country.”
       and its group companies have a significant   Its distribution network comprises   South Pars gas field, which Iran shares with
       presence in the upstream, refining, and   over 20,000 retail outlets, over 6,100 LPG   Qatar in the Persian Gulf water, is divided into
       downstream value chain of oil and gas   distributorships, 733 Lubes distributorships,   24 standard phases of development in the first
       industry while BORL provides product   123 POL storage locations, 53 LPG bottling   stage. Most of the phases are fully operational
       security and logistics advantage in Northern   plants, 60 aviation service stations, three   at the moment.
       and Central India, through a network of   lube blending plants and four cross-country   The huge offshore field covers an area of
       pipelines,” BPCL said in a statement.  pipelines.                        9,700 square km, 3,700 square km of which
         Bina Refinery is, therefore, of strategic   Bina Refinery, a versatile refinery, processes  are in Iran’s territorial waters in the Persian
       importance to BPCL in its efforts to meet   47 types of crudes and have recently started   Gulf. The remaining 6,000 square km, called
       the demand for petroleum products in the   production of Mineral Turpentine Oil, as well.   North Dome, are situated in Qatar’s territorial
       hinterland. Additionally, a cost optimisation   It boasts of an integrated Full Conversion   waters.
       on purchase of crude oil, flexibility in   Hydrocracker and Diesel Hydro-treater, first   TEHRAN TIMES
       crude feedstock selection, optimisation in   of its kind in India, and a Delayed Coker Unit
       production planning/product mix for the   to upgrade bottoms of the barrel.
       refineries are some of the major benefits on   HINDU BUSINESS            FUELS
       crude procurement, it added.
         “As the energy landscape undergoes                                     Diesel missing from
       massive changes, BPCL has formulated   REFINING
       definitive plans to expand its footprint                                 Liberian storage facility
       across the energy sector and diversify for   Pars refineries well-
       future growth and sustainability. With the                               The Heritage Law Firm representing Petro
       amalgamation of Bina Refinery, we will build   planned overhaul for      Trade has written the management of the
       the capabilities to compete more effectively                             Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC)
       and profitably in the fast changing energy   maximum gas refining        questioning the whereabouts of about 1.5
       marketplace,” BPCL CMD Arun Kumar Singh                                  million gallons of diesel fuel which has
       said.                               The director of production coordination and   reportedly disappeared from their storage
         Bina Refinery will have unrestricted access   supervision in National Iranian Gas Company   facility.
       to BPCL’s marketing network to evacuate its   (NIGC) said: “The South Pars gas complex   FrontPageAfrica has gathered that several
       products. Several renewable energy projects,   refineries are now working for maximum gas   efforts on the part of the company to have
       1.2 million tonnes per annum (MTPA)   refining through carrying out detailed and   LPRC account for the missing product are
       Ethylene Cracker unit and petrochemical   coherent overhaul plans.”      yet to yield the desired result as their filling
       infrastructure have been envisaged for the   Making the remarks during the periodic   stations risk shutting down soon if their

       Week 26   30•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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