Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 38
P. 19

LatAmOil                           NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

       Interim results: In light of delays caused by the  loss for the period.  regasification capacity is 20 mcm per day (at 1
       COVID-19 epidemic, President will publish its   Financial outlook: The industry slowdown  atm and 20 degrees Celsius) and is in the process
       half year report for the period ended June 30,  has meant that some costs [that] were expected  of obtaining new licenses and permits to expand
       2020, on or around October 30, 2020.  to be incurred in the current year have been  capacity to 30 mcm per day (at 1 atm and 20
       President Energy, September 22 2020  delayed and the Group has sufficient cash  degrees Celsius).
                                           resources to continue for a period of at least 12   The terminal’s integrated gas pipeline is 15
       Argos Resources releases            months from the date these financial statements  km long, 10 km underwater and 5 km on land,
                                                                                and 28 inches (711 mm) in diameter, connect-
                                           were signed. In order to continue as a going con-
       interim report for 2020             cern beyond that the Company will need to raise  ing TR-BGUA to the Campos Elíseos reception
                                                                                station, where the interconnection with the inte-
                                           further finance.
       AIM-listed Argos Resources, the Falkland   Argos Resources, September 18 2020  grated network of transportation pipelines takes
       Islands-based company focused on the North                               place.
       Falkland Basin, has announced its interim   Petrobras hits LNG           Petrobras, September 17 2020
       financial results for the six months ended June
       30, 2020. Argos holds a 100% interest in Licence   regasification record
       PL001, which covers approximately 1,126 square                           INVESTMENT
       km in the North Falkland Basin. The licence  Petrobras informs that it has successfully con-
       boundary is just 3 km from the Sea Lion oil field,  cluded the operation test with a flowrate of 30mn   Petrobras reports on
       a significant discovery currently being consid-  cubic metres per day of natural gas, held at the
       ered for development.               Guanabara Bay (TR-BGUA) liquefied natural   BR stock sale offer
         Highlights: $192,000 loss for the period (H1-  gas regasification terminal in Rio de Janeiro,
       2019: loss of $176,000); $560,000 cash reserves  becoming the new world record for regasifica-  Petrobras, in relation to the news published
       at June 30, 2020 (year-end 2019: $768,000). The  tion with Floating Storage and Regasification  in the media, reiterates that it has not yet been
       current Second Phase of the Licence expires in  Unit (FSRU).             defined the moment to launch the secondary
       May 2021. The Company intends to request an   All phases were accompanied by a certifying  public offer (follow on) aimed at the sale of
       extension to the Licence period.    company in order to certify TR-BGUA’s ability  the entirety of its remaining 37.5% stake in the
         During the reporting period of the first half of  to operate under the new proposed conditions.  capital stock of Petrobras Distribuidora (BR
       the year, Brent crude oil prices plummeted from  This is one of the requirements for the continuity  Distribuidora).
       over $65 per barrel at year-end 2019 to a low of  of the authorization process for the expansion of   The proposal to carry out the follow on was
       $20 per barrel in April 2020, before recovering  TR-BGUA’s operational capacity from 20 mcm  approved by Petrobras’ Board of Directors on
       somewhat to around $42 per barrel by the end  per day to 30 mcm per day with the competent  August 26, 2020.
       of June. The fall in prices was driven initially by  authorities, such as the State Environmental   However, according to press release to the
       competition from OPEC for market share and  Institute (INEA) and the National Petroleum,  market disclosed on the same date, the trans-
       then exacerbated later in the period by the signif-  Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).  action is subject, among other factors, to the
       icant drop in global energy demand as a result of   TR-BGUA is located in the Guanabara Bay  market conditions, to additional approvals by
       the COVID-19 pandemic supressing oil and gas  (TABG) Waterway Terminal Complex, in Rio de  Petrobras’ internal bodies, notably regarding
       consumption globally.               Janeiro, next to the Ilha D’Água Terminal.  price, and to the analysis of the Brazilian Secu-
         The industry has been hit hard by this unex-  The terminal consists of an island type pier  rities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and
       pected sharp drop in demand and commodity  with two berths for mooring and anchoring a  other regulatory and self-regulatory bodies,
       prices, and has responded by reducing costs,  FSRU vessel and a supply vessel, in cross jetty  under the terms of the applicable legislation.
       cutting capital expenditure and delaying pro-  configuration. TR-BGUA’s current maximum   Petrobras, September 22 2020
       jects. Acknowledging this slowdown in activity,
       the Company intends to request an extension to
       the Licence term, which currently runs to May
       1, 2021, as more time will be required to recover
       from this downturn.
         Despite the above, the Company continues
       to seek partners to participate in drilling on its
       Licence and is currently engaged with a number
       of counterparties who have expressed interest.
       Given the current challenging environment the
       Company believes it may be some time before
       any expressions of interest are translated into
         Financial overview: The Group loss for the
       six months to June 30, 2020, was $192,000 (2019:
       loss of $176,000) giving an undiluted loss per
       share of US$0.0009 cents (2019: $0.0008 loss per
       share). Administrative expenses were $148,000,
       compared to $175,000 for the same period in
       2019. Net assets of $29.3mn reflect a decrease of
       $192,000 since December 2019 as a result of the

       Week 38   24•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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