Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 38
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec).  commence in Q4-2020.
                                              The company informs that it has received two   “This new survey in Suriname comes at an
       Petrobras confirms                  proposals with close values and will make a new  exciting time for this area,” said Irene Waage
                                           round of receiving binding proposals, with sup-
                                                                                Basili, the Chief Executive Officer of Shearwa-
       hydrocarbon find at Block           port in the Petrobras’ Divestment Methodology.  ter. “We look forward to working together with
                                              On July 9, 2020, the company informed about  PSEPBV, an affiliate of Petronas in Suriname, for
       C-M-657 in Campos Basin             the approval of the deliberative bodies of Petro-  this project.”
                                           bras for the beginning of the negotiation phase of
                                                                                  The 3D seismic survey covers surface area
       Petrobras has identified the presence of hydro-  the Landulpho Alves Refinery (RLAM) and will  of 6,200 square km in Suriname’s Block 52 and
       carbons in the pioneer well of block C-M-657,  disclose the next steps of the process under the  will be carried out by the Geo Caribbean vessel.
       located in the pre-salt of the Campos Basin.  terms of the Divestment Methodology.  PSEPBV is the operator of Block 52 with 50%
         Well 1-BRSA-1376D-RJS (Naru) is located   Petrobras clarifies that the Divestment Meth-  participating interest together with partner Exx-
       approximately 308 km from the city of Rio de  odology foresees only the disclosure to the mar-  onMobil holding the remaining 50%.
       Janeiro, in water depth of 2,892 metres, being  ket of the following stages of the process: teaser,   Shearwater GeoServices, September 21 2020
       verified the presence of hydrocarbon in car-  start of the non-binding phase, start of the bind-
       bonate reservoirs of the pre-salt section. The  ing phase, execution of exclusivity agreement   Sapura Energy wins major
       well data will be analyzed to better assess the  (when applicable), signing and closing.
       potential and direct the exploratory activities in   Finally, Petrobras reinforces its commit-  projects worth MYR40mn in
       the area.                           ment to the broad transparency of its divest-
         Block C-M-657, acquired in March 2018, in  ment projects and portfolio management and   South America and Africa
       the 15th bidding round of the National Agency  informs that subsequent steps will be disclosed
       of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP),  to the market in accordance with the Company’s  Sapura Energy, a leading global integrated oil
       under the Concession regime, is in the south-  Divestment Methodology.   and gas services and solutions provider, has
       ern portion of the Campos Basin. Petrobras is   Petrobras, September 21 2020  announced two major project wins in South
       the operator of the block and holds a 30% stake,                         America, as well as a drilling contract win in
       in partnership with ExxonMobil (40%) and                                 the Ivory Coast. The total value of the three con-
       Equinor (30%).                      SERVICES                             tracts is MYR840mn ($202.85mn), bringing
       Petrobras, September 23 2020                                             the company’s total wins to-date to MYR1.6bn
                                           Shearwater GeoServices               ($390mn), in FY 2021.
                                                                                  The new wins demonstrate Sapura Energy’s
                                           awarded marine 3D                    gressing the company’s strategy of leveraging
       DOWNSTREAM                                                               resilience in a challenging environment, pro-
       Petrobras reports on                seismic survey contract              on its agility and assets to expand international
                                                                                reach. Sapura Energy has aimed to capture
       progress of RLAM and                by Petronas Suriname E&P             opportunities still available in addressable mar-
                                                                                kets for oil and gas services, deepening its pres-
       Repar refinery sales                Shearwater GeoServices has announced the  ence in the fastest growing regions like South
                                                                                America, Africa and Middle East.
                                           award of a large towed streamer 3D seismic sur-
       Petrobras, in relation to the news published in  vey for Block 52, offshore Suriname by Petronas   In South America, Sapura Energy strength-
       the media, referring to the divestment of the  Suriname E&P (PSEPBV), a subsidiary of Pet-  ened its hold as its subsidiary Sapura Energy
       Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (Repar),  ronas. Malaysia’s Petronas is an integrated global  Mexicana secured the engineering, procure-
       clarifies that the binding stage of the competitive  energy company and the Americas is one of the  ment, construction and installation scope for
       process counts with the participation of Ultrapar  regions the company is focusing on.  the Eni Mexico Amoca Project – Offshore
       Participações, the consortium led by Raízen and   The four-month project is scheduled to  Block Area 1 in Mexico. The contract entails the
                                                                                transportation and installation of the Amoca
                                                                                Platform and the pipeline and subsea cable
                                                                                interconnecting the Amoca and Mizton plat-
                                                                                forms with the Floating Production Storage and
                                                                                Offloading (FPSO) unit. The works are expected
                                                                                to be completed by Q4-FY 2022.
                                                                                  Sapura Energy has completed multiple pro-
                                                                                jects in Mexico, after its maiden entry in 2015.
                                                                                  In Brazil, Sapura Energy builds upon its
                                                                                longstanding relationship with Petrobras,
                                                                                as the national oil company awarded Sapura
                                                                                Navegação Marítima (SNM) a 12-month
                                                                                extension on the contract for the operation of
                                                                                pipe-laying support vessel Sapura Esmeralda.
                                                                                  The scope of work comprises the provision
                                                                                of services and charter for the installation and
                                                                                recovery of flexible pipes by utilising Sapura
                                                                                Esmeralda in Brazilian waters.

       Week 38   24•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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