Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 38
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The existing contract is expected to complete Argentina: President Energy
by April 2021 and the 12-month extension will
commence immediately after the duration of the announces workover and
original contract of Sapura Esmeralda ends.
SNM is wholly-owned by Seabras Sapura drilling update
Participações, a joint venture company between
Sapura Offshore and a subsidiary of Seadrill. AIM-listed President Energy has provided an
Meanwhile, Sapura Energy marked its re-en- update in relation to its operations in Rio Negro,
try into Ivory Coast, as Foxtrot International Argentina as well as the release of the unaudited
LDC has awarded Sapura Drilling Holdings a interim results for H1 2020.
contract for the provision of its Tender Assist Highlights: First well in drilling programme
Drilling Rig Sapura Berani services in the coun- spudded, with results due mid-October; suc-
try. Sapura Energy’s drilling arm provided sim- cessful multi workover programme continuing;
ilar services for Foxtrot International LDC’s interim results for the period ended 30 June 2020
drilling campaign in Ivory Coast in 2015 to 2016. to be released by October 30, 2020.
The contract scope comprises the provision Workover Programme: The workover to
of semi tender-assist drilling rig services for replace an electric submersible pump in the
three wells, offshore Ivory Coast, commencing oil-producing well PFE-1001 has been success-
in Q1-FY 2022. It includes the option of one well GTE-4: During the second quarter, the fully completed and the well is now back on
extension. With this contract, Sapura Energy GTE-4 well was converted to a dual pumping stream and cleaning up. Prior to shut-in, the well
will have two of its rigs operating in the African well. The Sergi zone is producing above expecta- produced 16 cubic metres per day, or 100 barrels
continent. Its semi-submersible tender assisted tions. However, after swabbing the Agua Grande per day (bpd) of oil.
drilling rig Sapura Jaya is currently working off- zone and running the downhole jet-pump The workover rig then moved to PP-13, a for-
shore Angola. assembly in the hole, a blanking sleeve became mer oil producer, that was shut in for more than
Sapura Energy, September 17 2020 stuck downhole, which requires further fishing. one year awaiting repair. The remedial work has
At the moment, the rig is shut down due to sev- now been completed and the well is being placed
eral active COVID-19 cases and operations will back online. Prior to shut-in, the well produced 7
PERFORMANCE only resume once personnel are clear of COVID- cubic metres (44 bpd) of oil.
19. GTE-4 is currently only producing from the The rig has now moved to EV-20, a well
Maha Energy announces Sergi zone. which has not produced during President’s
Tie 2 and Tie 3 Wells (new wells): The Tie operatorship of the Puesto Flores/Estancia Vieja
operational update south drilling pad has been built and a drilling Concession. The mid-case objective is to achieve
rig has mobilised to site and drilling operations initial gas production of 40,000 cubic metres per
Maha Energy has announced an operational at Tie 2 (previously known as TS-1) commenced day (235 boepd).
update for its activities in Brazil and the United at 20:00 hrs on September 22. The Tie 3 (previ- Further wells to be worked over include
States: Maha’s 2 x 1,380 HP compression project ously known as TS-2) injector is planned to be PFO-26, an injector well being part of the Com-
at Tie has been successfully commissioned; drill- drilled immediately after Tie 2 is completed. pany’s secondary recovery pilot project for the
ing rig is now onsite at the Tie 2 location in Brazil Each well is anticipated to take 40-45 days to drill Puesto Flores complex, the currently shut-in oil
and has commenced drilling. and complete. Tie 2 is a near vertical dual zone producer PFO-35 to bring it back into produc-
Jonas Lindvall, President and CEO of Maha, producer, whilst the Tie 3 well is planned to be a tion and PFO-6, a water disposal well requiring
comments: “Notwithstanding COVID-19 con- dual zone water injector. repair.
tinuing to challenge some of our operations, we Facility and COVID-19: Due to 10 positive Interposed with this programme will be com-
have achieved two important milestones at the COVID-19 tests amongst both staff and con- pletion of the two new wells in the drilling pro-
Tie Field. We are very happy to announce com- tractor personnel, several smaller capital expan- gramme as set out hereunder.
mencement of our gas compression and injec- sion projects have been temporarily suspended All workover operations have to date been
tion project and the spud of the next production within the Tie station to reduce headcount and completed on time and on or below budget.
well at the Tie field.” protect the core operating team. At the moment, Drilling programme: The LB-1001 develop-
Operational update, Tie Field, Compression there is no direct impact on production. ment well has now been spudded. As previously
Project: During the month of August, a dedi- Tartaruga: The Tartaruga field continues to announced, the intended target is attic gas in the
cated commissioning team has been onsite to meet production targets and is operating cur- Las Bases structure with a target depth of 1,700
commission the two 1,380 HP compression rently with only limited impact from COVID- metres and a high chance of success. The P50
units that have been installed. On September 11, 19. Gas sales from Tartaruga commenced in estimate is for 6 bcf*** of recoverable gas and
the units commenced operations and started to July via the third-party company GTW (Gas an initial production well rate of 100,000 cubic
inject gas while simultaneously delivering condi- to Wire), which generates electricity from the metres per day (588 boepd).
tioned gas to GTW and CDGN. Any excess gas associated gas produced at Tartaruga to the local A further announcement will be made once
produced at Tie will now be injected back into grid. target depth is reached and logging of the well
the reservoir affording significant operational Illinois Basin: Operations continue to run has taken place, estimated to be achieved in or
flexibility and redundancy for Tie field oil pro- smoothly on our new asset in Illinois and Indi- about the middle of October.
duction. This fast track project commenced in ana with successful maintenance workovers After drilling of LB-1001, the drilling rig will
November 2019 and teams from both Enerflex being carried out to maintain production at move to the previously announced exploration
and Maha ensured an on-time delivery even approximately 150 barrels per day (bpd). well EVN-1, in relation to which further details
whilst managing the Covid-19 pandemic. Maha Energy, September 23 2020 will be announced in due course.
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 38 24•September•2020