Page 15 - DMEA Week 21 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       attract various investments to the Special   During the meeting, held at Opaz,   Iran petchem revenues at
       Economic Zone at Duqm. “The Turkish   the bilateral relations between the two
       delegation will explore the potential   countries were reviewed and the investment   $10b last year
       opportunities in Duqm to attract the Turkish   environment and opportunities and incentives
       companies. Opaz is fully prepared to provide   offered by Opaz to investors were presented   The CEO of the National Petrochemical
       all facilities to these companies, which could   as well. Moreover, the delegation was also   Company (NPC) said the country generated
       easily access the regional and African markets   briefed on the most promising sectors that the   $10 billion in petrochemical export revenue
       through the Port of Duqm. As well, there are   Sultanate focuses on, infrastructure projects   in the previous calendar year which ended on
       lands designated for gas-dependent projects   and economic projects that are relied upon   March 20.
       as the gas pipeline project to Duqm is already   during the coming era to attract foreign   Addressing a press conference on Monday,
       completed and Duqm Refinery Project is   capitals.                       Behzad Mohammadi said the country
       on the way to complete too†, stressed the   TRADE ARABIA               exported 25 million tons of petrochemicals
       Deputy Chairman of Opaz.                                                 during the year despite the restrictions caused
         He also affirmed that Opaz welcomes                                    by the sanctions and the outbreak of the
       Turkish investors in various sectors to make   PETROCHEMICALS            coronavirus.
       the most of the resources available in Sezad                               He said that the growth of annual demand
       and any other zones related to Opaz.  Foreign technical savvy            for petroleum products in the world is less
         On the other hand, Asila Salim al-Samsami                              than 0.9% while the growth of annual demand
       pointed out: “In light of the interest in   could eliminate main       for petrochemical products is close to 5%,
       developing trade relations between the                                   arguing: “This is an important sign for the
       Sultanate and the Republic of Turkey, different   petchem bottlenecks    need to develop the petrochemical industry.â€
       ways of strengthening trade cooperation                                    The CEO of the National Petrochemical
       between the two countries in various spheres   The CEO of the National Petrochemical   Company noted the 58-year history of
       were discussed in the meeting. Likewise, the   Company (NPC) said the arrival of foreign   the petrochemical industry in Iran, and
       delegation expressed high interest to form   technical knowhow could sort out major   added: “The production capacity of the
       real partnerships in the targeted sectors, so   bottlenecks in the development of the   petrochemical industry has increased from
       the delegation will visit a number of bodies   country’s petrochemical industry.  65 million tons in [the calendar year of] 1398,
       concerned during their stay in the Sultanate.  The CEO of the National Petrochemical   with the inauguration of 17 projects and an
       †                                 Company said technical knowhow is the most   increase of 25 million tons, to 90 million tons,
         Al-Samsami explained that the Ministry is   important bottleneck in implementation of   which is a unique record in the history of this
       determined to continue achieving its vision   petrochemical development plans, and added   industry.â€
       and mission, reflecting the objectives of Oman  the nuclear negotiations indicate that the   Mohammadi estimated the average
       Vision 2040. This confirms the Ministry’s   space for cooperation is opening up and the   progress of the remaining 10 projects of the
       ongoing endeavour to efficiently market   communication process is expanding.†  second leap of the petrochemical industry
       the national economy’s components.   He noted that the petrochemical industry   as 84%,and said that these projects will be
       “The major objective of the investments   needs the participation and entry of large   operational by the end of the current Iranian
       is to develop Omani exports and stimulate   foreign companies in the two areas of   calendar year which began on March 21.
       attracting investments from free zones in   financing and technical knowhow, adding:   He further said that currently 40 active
       various sectors, thanks to the complementary   “We still need to use the world’s   projects are under way in the form of the
       efforts and cooperation of the Omani   technical savvy in some processes.†  third leap of the industry and the capacity
       Embassy in Turkey and other authorities   Mohammadi said: “Our most    will reach about 135 million tons by 2025,
       concerned,† she said.             important issue is the provision of technical   adding: “With the realization of the third
         According to the Cooperation Programme,   knowledge for petrochemical projects which   leap projects, Iran’s ranking in production
       the Public Authority for Special Economic   will render the country 70% needless of   of basic products in the Middle East Will be
       Zones and Free Zones will allocate a land in   imports and the most important bottleneck   upgraded from second to the first place.â€
       the Medium Industries Zone at Sezad, so that   of these projects is technical savvy, which we   SHANA
       the Turkish Gebze Organized Industrial Zone,   hope will happen in the near future.â€
       as an investment developer, will promote the   SHANA
       zone to companies operating in its industrial

       Week 21   27•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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