Page 13 - DMEA Week 21 2021
P. 13
Predator prepares
Moroccan FSRU bid
AFRICA UK-BASED Predator Oil & Gas has said in an and extension of access roads to local company
update that it is preparing to submit a bid to Skayavers Sarl.
build and operate a floating storage and regasi- Civil works are anticipated to start imme-
fication unit (FSRU) for the importing of LNG diately, allowing drilling activity to begin next
in Morocco. month.
The company’s Predator Gas Ventures “The [Moroccan] FSRU project is envisaged
Morocco Branch (PGVMB) subsidiary is pre- to be a much longer-term project that does not
paring to submit the bid in response to a call compete with the company’s short and medi-
for expressions of interest (EoIs) issued by the um-term plans to explore for, appraise and
Moroccan government, with a deadline of May develop gas in its Guercif licence onshore north-
31, 2021. ern Morocco,” Predator stated.
The FSRU project would initially have the “It is potentially a complementary addition
capacity to import 1.1bn cubic metres of gas by to the company’s business development strategy
2025, rising to 1.7 bcm in 2030 and 3.0 bcm in for Morocco to increase both materiality and the
2040, Predator said in a May 24 update. potential for future gas exports to Europe once
The company cited a proposed FSRU-based the domestic Moroccan gas market reaches
LNG import project it is also developing in Ire- capacity.”
land, saying it hoped to tap into the know-how The company added that it was continuing
gained from its work on that plan to move for- negotiations on three potential collaboration
ward with its Moroccan bid. agreements with European companies in rela-
Predator already has upstream operations in tion to the FSRU concept both in Ireland and
Morocco and also said in its update that it had Morocco.
awarded the contract for the construction of the These could result in further announcements
MOU-1 well pad platform and the improvement in the coming weeks, Predator said.
Week 21 27•May•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P13