Page 16 - DMEA Week 21 2021
P. 16
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global complex at the Baltic Sea port of Ust-Luga.
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join The project, a joint venture between Gaz-
our team of international editors, who provide a prom and a private Russian partner RusGazDo-
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their bycha, is poised to become Russia’s largest gas
regional beats. processing facility and one of the world’s largest
We hope you will like NRG’s new concise for- in terms of production volumes.
mat, but by clicking on the headline link for each
section the full text will be available as before. GLNG: Predator preps Moroccan FSRU bid
UK-based Predator Oil & Gas has said in an
AfrOil: Major tie-up in Angola update that it is preparing to submit a bid to
This week’s AfrOil looks at a strategic tie-up build and operate a floating storage and regas-
between BP and Eni in Angola, while an indus- ification unit (FSRU) to import LNG into
try veteran gives his take on the short-term Morocco.
future of African E&P. The company’s Predator Gas Ventures
Majors BP and Eni last week announced plans Morocco Branch (PGVMB) subsidiary is pre-
to combine their oil and gas interests in Angola paring to submit the bid in response to a call for
through a joint venture that would become one expressions of interest issued by the Moroccan
of the continent’s largest producers. government, with a deadline of May 31, 2021.
Meanwhile, Eskil Jersing, business devel-
opment advisor at Eburon Resources, said that LatAmOil: Bid in for Brazilian pipeline
“continued project delays are likely to limit pro- A consortium led by Canada’s Enbridge has
duction increases and lead to the lowest reserve reportedly submitted a bid for Brazil’s largest
additions since the early 1980s and around 50% natural gas import pipeline.
lower than in 2015”. Citing three sources familiar with the matter,
Reuters reported last week that the non-binding
AsianOil: India’s gas up, oil down offer had been put in by a group of companies
India recorded a significant jump in its natural that also includes Belgium’s Fluxys and US-based
gas production in April, even as its crude oil out- private equity firm EIG Global Energy Partners.
put continued to slide.
The country produced 2.65bn cubic metres MEOG: Iran readies new terminal
of gas last month, up 22.7% from the 2.16 bcm This week’s MEOG looks at the effective com-
produced in April 2020, the Indian Ministry of pletion of Iran’s new Jask Oil Terminal and
Petroleum and Natural Gas revealed on May 21. Abu Dhabi’s development of a world-scale blue
ammonia plant.
EurOil: US concedes on Nord Stream 2 Following last week’s completion of phase
The US has confirmed it will not impose sanc- one of the Goreh-Jask oil pipeline, Iran’s new oil
tions on the Russian company developing the terminal on the Sea of Oman is now 98% com-
Nord Stream 2 pipeline – a decision that has plete and is ready to begin receiving, transfer-
been welcomed by both Germany and Russia. ring and exporting crude.
The US government has instead said it will
maintain its sanctions on the Russian pipelaying NorthAmOil: Cimarex, Cabot merger
vessels that are building the pipeline, which is US shale players Cabot Oil & Gas and Cimarex
now more than 95% complete. Energy have announced a merger of equals val-
ued at roughly $7.4bn.
FSUOGM: Gazprom starts Baltic gas work The all-stock transaction will create a com-
Russia’s Gazprom has formally started con- pany with an enterprise value of around $17bn,
struction on a major gas processing and LNG to be named at a later date.
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