Page 10 - FSUOGM Week 41
P. 10

FSUOGM                        NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                       FSUOGM

       NRG: countervailing forces

       Oil prices and energy demand are under pressure on both sides from storms, COVID-19

       outbreaks and climate concerns

                         WELCOME to the latest edition of NewsBase’s  fuels.
                         Roundup Global (NRG), in which our team of   These concerns have been evident over the last
                         international editors provide you with a snap-  week, despite indications that Saudi Arabia was
                         shot of some of the key issues affecting their  looking to raise crude output. They could lead to
                         regional beats. Get the NRG Oil & Gas Editor’s  the cancellation of Denmark’s latest offshore licens-
                         Picks to your inbox every week for free. Just sign  ing round, and they have led US-based NextDec-
                         up here.                             ade to include a carbon neutrality goal in its plans
                           World crude oil prices went up last week, as  for the Rio Grande LNG terminal.
                         Hurricane Delta forced the temporary closure of
                         offshore production platforms in the Gulf of Mex-  Africa: South Sudan’s plan
                         ico. However, they began sinking again on Monday,  South Sudan’s largest producer, Dar Petroleum
                         partly because Gulf production was resuming and  Operating Co. (DPOC), has seen yields drop to
                         partly because of the reported restart of Libya’s larg-  115,000 bpd. Petroleum Minister Awow Daniel
                         est oilfield.                        Chuang attributed the decline to geological fac-
                           Likewise, global energy demand has been  tors and floods last week and said he hoped that
                         buffeted by both bearish and bullish forces. On  technical solutions would help boost output. He
                         the one hand, recent increases in the rate of coro-  also noted that Juba’s plan to offer exploration
                         navirus (COVID-19) infections, along with new  rights to 14 new fields in its upcoming licensing
                         lockdowns in a number of countries, indicate  round was designed to help boost production.
                         that oil and gas consumption is not likely to reach   Libya, by contrast, is on track to keep pushing
                         pre-pandemic levels in the immediate future. But  crude yields up. Over the weekend, National Oil
                         on the other hand, renewed economic activity has  Corp. (NOC) reported that Sharara, the country’s
                         pushed consumption up from the lows reported  biggest oilfield, was back on stream.
                         in the spring and does not appear to be headed for   Meanwhile, Tullow Oil (UK/Ireland) marked a
                         another plunge in the near term.     milestone in Ghana, saying it had brought the vol-
                           In the long run, however, climate concerns will  ume of oil extracted from the offshore Jubilee field
                         continue to raise questions about the future of fossil  to 300mn barrels.

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   14•October•2020
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