Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 41
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Independent director at

       Naftogaz resigns, irked by

       opposition to reforms

       Hochstein's departure is reminiscent of the walk-out of all the company's previous independent
       directors in 2017, again over a lack of government commitment to reform

        UKRAINE          US businessman and former diplomat Amos  Resisted at every step
                         Hochstein has resigned as an independent  In an article written for the Kyiv Post, Hochstein
       WHAT:             director on the supervisory board of Ukrainian  complained that the company’s management’s
       US businessman Amos   national gas company Naftogaz, complaining of  effort over the years to "create a new corporate
       Hochstein has resigned   opposition to reforms and of political interfer-  culture, transparent mechanisms and an adher-
       as a director at Naftogaz.  ence. His departure comes as a power struggle  ence to international standards were resisted at
                         over control of the state-owned firm heats up,  every step of the way."
       WHY:              with prosecutors recently launching a treason   “The company has been forced to spend
       Hochstein complains of   probe into its management.    endless amounts of time combating political
       political interference and   Naftogaz said in a statement on October 12 it  pressure and efforts by oligarchs to enrich them-
       opposition to reforms.  had received notice of Hochstein’s resignation.  selves through questionable transactions,” he
                         Hochstein has served in the role since 2017.  said. “These efforts at sabotage increased over
       WHAT NEXT:          “Among the reasons behind his decision to  the years as the international community expe-
       His words suggest   leave the supervisory board, Amos Hochstein  rienced Ukraine-fatigue and the Trump admin-
       the government is not   mentioned growing opposition to gas market  istration no longer pursued an anti-corruption
       as committed to the   reforms and the transformation of Naftogaz  agenda.”
       independence of state   into an independent and efficient company,”   As an example of this “sabotage,” Hochstein
       institutions as it claims.  the company said. “He urged the Ukrainian  pointed to a memorandum that the Ukrainian
                         government to further ensure the independ-  government signed with a US firm called Louisi-
                         ence of supervisory boards at state-owned  ana Natural Gas Exports in May for the export of
                         enterprises in Ukraine as a safeguard against  US LNG to Ukraine. One of the company’s exec-
                         corruption.”                         utives, Robert Bensh, was subsequently offered a

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   14•October•2020
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