Page 12 - MEOG Week 08 2021
P. 12
Masirah adds another well at Yumna
OMAN MASIRAH Oil Ltd (MOL) announced this week The field is thought to hold around 9.6mn
that it has brought a third well into production stock tank barrels of proven plus probable (2P)
at the Yumna field in Oman’s offshore Block 50. reserves, according to a qualified person’s report
The well was spudded in mid-January, targeting (QPR), and cumulative production stood at
a location east of Oman’s first offshore discovery 1.05mn STB produced as of June 30.
and production began on February 18. The 16,903-square km concession was the
In a statement to press, the company said: location of the GA South (GAS) discovery,
“The well has been tested at a rate of 12,984 stock Oman’s first offshore find by Singapore-backed
tank barrels [STB] per day of oil on natural flow Rex International Holding (RIH), which holds
through an 80/64” choke. Yumna 3 encountered 86.37% of MOL, which in turn owns 100% of
hydrocarbons in 10.4 metres of Lower Aruma Block 50. Oman’s Ministry of Energy and Min-
sandstone with a very good porosity of 23.4%, erals (MEM) declared the field’s commerciality
proving that the good quality reservoir sand is earlier this year and approved MOL’s develop-
extensive to the South East of Yumna 1, with ment plan for the asset, which was renamed
exceptional permeability of about 2,000 md.” Yumna.
MOL said that the Tenacious jack-up rig, In a press release, RIH said one of the Yumna
which it leased from Shelf Drilling for a three- wells would be “drilled to boost production”
well drilling campaign, has on a has been moved with the other well targeting one of 14 prospects
to the Zakhera exploration well location, around nearby.
12 km south of the Yumna Field. “One exploration well to be drilled in 2021
Announcing the commencement of produc- will be selected from 14 identified prospects near
tion from the Yumna 2 well in January, MOL said the Yumna Field, for which the best estimate of
that the well had been producing at a rate of 9,000 gross unrisked prospective resources (2U) is
STB per day of dry oil. 152.3mn STB” of crude.
Yumna 1 was drilled in December 2019 It also noted that the QPR covered only 9% of
to appraise the field and in February 2020, 42 Block 50, for which Aker Geo and Pareto in 2012
degree API crude flowed from the well at a rate estimated best estimate gross unrisked prospec-
of 11,843 barrels per day (bpd). tive resources at more than 4bn barrels.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 08 24•February•2021