Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 45 2021
P. 12
According to the statement, the Australian com- transition” and added that the country would
pany will invest a total of $8.4bn in the project, “shortly be able to become one of the world
which envisions the construction of a green suppliers of this fuel that will allow to drastically
hydrogen plant near the city of Sierra Grande reduce carbon emissions in the world.”
in Rio Negro. Andrew Forrest, the president of Fortes-
The plant will use electricity produced by cue, declared that his company was “ready to
wind farms to operate a water hydrolysis plant invest in Argentina” and expressed excitement
capable of turning out 215,000 tonnes per about the green hydrogen project. “We are a
year (tpy) of green hydrogen, in the first phase cutting-edge energy company that hires people
of operation. The facility’s first phase will cost and [trains] people, and that is what we want to
about $7.2bn to build and will be able to power do in your country,” he said. “We are here so that
up to 1.6mn homes, the statement said. Argentina is a world leader in renewable energy
It also noted that the Fernandez administra- and to be an exporter.”
tion hoped to see Rio Negro become a major
hub for green hydrogen production. By 2030, it
said, the province may be able to support facil-
ities capable of turning out 2.2mn tpy of green
hydrogen, sufficient to cover about 10% of Ger-
many’s current electricity consumption.
President Fernández noted that the project
was expected to generate about 15,000 new jobs
directly and another 40,000-50,000 new jobs
indirectly. “Argentina has a great opportunity
ahead, and it needs companies like this, [which]
invest and generate work,” he commented.
He also described green hydrogen as “one of
the fuels of the future.” He said he was “[filled]
with pride that Argentina is one of the coun-
tries that are at the forefront of the ecological Fernandez (L) shakes hands with Forrest (R) in Glasgow (Photo: Twitter/@alferdez)
Atome signs MoU on power supplies
from green hydrogen and ammonia plant
ATOME Energy, a subsidiary of UK-based hydroelectric power plant (HPP) by output.
President Energy, has signed a memorandum of Atome described the green hydrogen and
understanding (MoU) with Paraguay’s national ammonia plant as well sited. “The facility’s loca-
power provider ANDE on future supplies of tion, which is in co-operation with the Para-
electricity from a green hydrogen and ammo- guayan arm of Itaipu and in close proximity to
nia plant. the power source, as well as being adjacent to the
In a statement dated November 5, Atome said borders of Argentina and Brazil, is a significant
that the MoU would lay the groundwork for the commercial and logistical advantage, combined
signing of a formal power purchase agreement as it is with available land, water access and
(PPA) with ANDE. The two companies expect transport links,” it commented.
to take this step next year, in time to ensure that The company also stated that it saw Paraguay
the green hydrogen and ammonia plant can be as the main focus of its efforts to develop green
completed in 2023 or 2024, it reported. hydrogen and ammonia production capacity in
The company further explained that the doc- North and South America.
ument outlined its plan for the delivery of up to It reported that its plant would deliver its
250 MW of electricity to ANDE following the production to the Paraguayan domestic market,
completion of the green hydrogen and ammonia in line with the government’s decarbonisation
plant. strategy.
The facility will be built at a site adjacent James Spalding, the former general direc-
to the Itaipu Binacional dam, which straddles tor of Itaipu Binacional for Paraguay who now
the border between Brazil and Paraguay. The serves as head of Atome Paraguay, described the
dam, which is jointly owned by the two neigh- signing of the MoU with ANDE as “a concrete
bouring countries, is the world’s second-largest new step forward.”
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 45 11•November•2021