Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 45 2021
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The well pad at Zapato-1 is projected to be com- (estimated 7,100 psi reservoir pressure). The evaluate an 84-foot [25.6-metre] interval (62 feet
pleted by the end of the month. interval was then flowed up 3.5-inch (88.9-mm) [18.9 metres] of net pay) at the top of the Gr7a
Melbana Energy’s Executive Chairman, tubing on a variety of choke sizes between 16/64 Herrera sands. The second test is expected to be
Andrew Purcell, commented: “Drilling opera- inches and 40/64 inches at rates up to 360 bpd completed within the next three weeks, and we
tions have now been going for 56 days, so this of 34.5-degree API crude oil before being shut anticipate the third and final test to be completed
suspension of operations, enforced by a break in in. Testing of this interval has been completed, by the end of December 2021.”
the timeliness of scheduled deliveries of drilling and we are moving uphole to the well’s primary Touchstone Exploration, November 8 2021
materials, provides a much-needed opportunity production test intervals.
to advance scheduled maintenance works and to Paul Baay, President and CEO, commented:
rotate off several key personnel who have been “We are excited to discover a promising new SERVICES
working continuously this entire time. Nonethe- light oil pool in the deepest test section of the
less, logistics planning has been and remains a Royston well, adding further potential to the TGS, BGP, CGG commence
critical component of the success of this drilling future development opportunity in the Royston
programme and the strain on the global ship- area, as light oil can be easily and economically acquisition of Suriname
ping network is being felt in Cuba as it is in many developed alongside any gas development. The
parts of the world.” initial test confirms the large hydrocarbon col- 3D Phase 1 data
Melbana Energy, November 9 2021 umn in the well, and we interpret the follow-
ing two primary testing targets to be liquids Further to the announcement on October 20,
Touchstone announces light rich natural gas. These results exceed pre-test 2021, of a signed agreement with Staatsolie for
expectations, as a flowing light oil opportunity multi-client programmes offshore Suriname,
oil discovery in the first of with significant development potential from TGS, acting as the marketing and licensing
the bottom 100 feet [30 metres] of the wellbore lead in a consortium with CGG and BGP, has
three Royston-1 tests is a major addition to the Royston area oppor- announced that acquisition for Phase 1 of the
tunity. We have the potential to further evaluate Suriname 3D project has commenced.
Touchstone Exploration has announced the the intermediate Herrera in future drilling pro- This 3D survey is adjacent to the prolific
results of the first of three planned production grammes by penetrating the intermediate sheet Block 58 and will cover the up-dip portions of
tests at its Royston-1 exploration well which has when we drill and assess the underlying Creta- the same Upper Cretaceous channel systems
confirmed a light oil discovery in the lowermost ceous prospect. These results further amplify our proven successful recently.
section of the well. The section tested was ini- onshore opportunities in Trinidad. Phase 1 includes 11,100 square km of new 3D
tially designed to establish the base of potential “Based on wireline logging and drilling data, seismic data acquisition and 3,000 square km of
hydrocarbon, and this light oil discovery repre- we are configuring the next two uphole primary 3D seismic data reprocessing. The acquisition
sents a new pool which has not been encoun- production test intervals to evaluate liquids rich will be undertaken by the BGP Prospector.
tered in any of the regional offsetting wells. natural gas prospects, with flowback and full CGG will process all of this multi-client data
As previously released, the Royston-1 explo- buildup analysis planned for each zone. We are in its Houston subsurface imaging center using a
ration well was spud on August 12, 2021, and currently preparing to perforate the second test high-end depth imaging workflow, including its
was drilled to a total depth of 10,700 feet (3,260 interval in the overthrust sheet of the Herrera proprietary technologies: Time-Lag Full-wave-
metres). Touchstone has an 80% operating Formation, with a 270-foot [82.3-metre] gross form Inversion (TLFWI) and High-frequency
working interest in the well, which is located interval (145 feet [44.2 metres] of net pay) target- FWI Imaging.
on the onshore Ortoire block on the island of ing the Gr7bc sands. The third test is designed to Early products will be available from April
Trinidad. Heritage Petroleum Co. (HPC) holds 2022 with final TTI Kirchhoff PSDM products
the remaining 20% working interest. Drilling ready from November 2022.
samples and open-hole wireline logs indicated This project is supported by industry funding.
that the well encountered a significant Herrera TGS, November 11 2021
turbidite package with a total observed thick-
ness of more than 1,000 feet (300 metres). The Prosafe signs Safe Notos
overall Herrera section drilled in Royston-1 con-
tained approximately 609 feet (185.6 metres) of contract extension with
clean sand, of which 393 gross feet (119.8 gross
metres) in two unique thrust sheets appeared to Petrobras offshore Brazil
be hydrocarbon pay, based on mud gas logging
and open-hole logs. Prosafe has signed a further contract extension
The first and deepest Royston-1 completion with Petrobras Netherlands for the provision of
and exploration test was designed to evaluate an the Safe Notos semi-submersible vessel for safety
interval at the bottom of the well in the interme- and maintenance support offshore Brazil.
diate sheet of the Herrera Formation. The com- The original three years and 222-day firm
pletion spanned a 92-foot (28.04-metre) gross period was due to complete in July 2020, had
interval (30 feet or 9.1 metres of net pay) below previously been extended through to mid-No-
10,434 feet (3,180 metres) that was identified vember 2021 and this further extension will take
on wireline logs as being hydrocarbon-bear- the firm operational period through to mid-July
ing. Following completion and a brief clean-up 2022.
period to recover load fluid, the well was shut Total value of the contract extension is
in and built to a pressure of 3,150 psi at surface approximately $16.2mn.
Week 45 11•November•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15