Page 7 - MEOG Week 50 2020
P. 7
Iranian oil tanker arrives
in Venezuela to load oil
IRAN A very large crude carrier (VLCC) chartered by added that the VLCC’s real identity was the
the National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) has arrived Liberia-flagged Calliop. Reuters said it could not
off the Venezuelan coast to load oil, with Iran independently verify that claim, as the tanker’s
and Venezuela – united in their defiance of heavy name at the hull had been painted black before
US sanctions – continuing to build ties, Iranian its arrival at Jose.
official energy news agency SHANA reported on Hong Kong-based Ship Management Ser-
December 14. vices was reported to have bought the Calliop in
Iran has several times this year sent tankers October.
to Venezuela, largely with the aim of relieving its Iran sent a VLCC named the Horse to Ven-
ally’s difficulties with acute gasoline shortages ezuela in September. It delivered condensate, a
caused by the decimation of its refining industry, very light form of oil, for PdVSA to blend with
partly the consequence of US moves to squeeze its very heavy oil to formulate exportable crude.
supplies of maintenance components. The tanker returned to Iran in October carrying
Reuters on December 14 reported that names Venezuelan heavy oil for NIOC, PDVSA’s sched-
of scrapped vessels were being used by several ules reportedly showed, but the tanker was said
Petroleos de Venezuela (PdVSA) customers, to have been misidentified in PdVSA’s databases
including NIOC, to disguise the routes and iden- as the Master Honey.
tities of the tankers they use. The US Department of Justice (DOJ) in
The news agency said PdVSA loading docu- August seized 1.1mn barrels of Iranian gasoline
ments showed a VLCC identified as Ndros was bound for Venezuela on four privately owned
scheduled to be at Venezuela’s main oil port of tankers. The cargoes were transferred to two sep-
Jose to load 1.9mn barrels of heavy Merey 16 arate tankers that delivered the gasoline to US
crude bound for Asia. ports for auction, in what the department said
However, monitoring service TankerTrack- led to the largest seizure of Iranian fuel. had reportedly used satellite photos The US has claimed that Venezuela, amid
to show the Ndros was scrapped in 2018, con- its economic crisis, is paying for Iranian fuel
firming reports on international shipping data- and other supplies with gold. It has warned Iran
bases. After further using satellite imagery and against shipping long-range missiles to the South
comparing it with photographs, TankerTrackers American country.
Kuwait names new oil and finance ministers
KUWAIT KUWAIT’S Emir Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah as prime minister.
al-Sabah this week approved a new Cabinet for It is hoped that by bringing in fresh blood,
the country, including new ministers of oil and Kuwait will be able to end deadlock over legisla-
finance. The appointments follow the resigna- tion that would enable the state to access interna-
tion of the previous government following a tional debt markets to improve liquidity.
December 5 general election in which nearly two In Q3 KPC followed its regional counter-
thirds of incumbent lawmakers lost their seats. parts in reassessing its capital programme, and
Mohammad Abdulatif al-Fares, who was reduced capital spending in its 2020-2025 five-
named Minister of Oil, Electricity and Water, is a year plan.
board member at state behemoth Kuwait Petro- The company has been forced to reprioritise
leum Corp. (KPC). its activities because of the impact of the coro-
Meanwhile, a former undersecretary at navirus (COVID-19) pandemic and weak oil
the Ministry of Finance was named as finance prices, which are the main causes of the deficit.
minister. The company has chosen to postpone, stop or
Top of the list of priorities for the new admin- re-offer projects in order to cut spending, though
istration will be plugging the estimated $46bn those to develop and import gas appear to have
deficit said the Emir, who was appointed in been ringfenced, with efforts to develop Jurassic
September following the death of his brother. Gas reserves and import LNG ongoing despite
The Emir re-appointed Sheikh Sabah al-Khalid the reduced spending plans.
Week 50 16•December•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P7