Page 21 - LatAmOil Week 42
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LatAmOil                           NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

       Material Terms of Potential Transaction: Pur-  the amount of $ 1bn (CUSIP No. 71647NBH1/  framework in the extractive sector, and help
       chase Price and Other Consideration. The aggre-  ISIN No. US71647NBH17), by means of its  ensure that the development potential of extrac-
       gate consideration for the Potential Transaction  wholly-owned subsidiary Petrobras Global  tive revenues is realised,” said EITI Board Chair
       is structured as a guaranteed cash payment of  Finance (PGF). Pricing of the notes occurred  Helen Clark. “We welcome Ecuador as an imple-
       $5mn (subject to customary adjustments) to be  on October 13, 2020, as disclosed to the mar-  menting country and look forward to the EITI
       paid in two (2) equal installments and additional  ket, representing the lowest issuance yield for a  promoting transparency, accountability, and
       contingent payments linked to the following  10-year bond issued by Petrobras.  debate around the management of the country’s
       conditions and/or occurrence of events: (i) the   The terms are as follows: amount $ 1.0bn;  natural resource wealth.”
       extension of the term of the Service Contracts  coupon 5.60% p.y.; re-opening price 109.579%;   Transparency is a fundamental element in
       with a maximum payment by the Purchaser  yield to worst 4.40% p.y.; maturity January 3,  the development of a robust extractive sector.
       to the Sellers of $12mn, (ii) the average Brent  2031; interest payment dates January 3 and July 3  Through a sustained approach to accountabil-
       price during the 2021 and 2022 calendar years,  of each year; ratings BB- (Fitch) / Ba2 (Moody’s)  ity, EITI implementation can help make infor-
       (iii) the actual collection of the “carry forward”  / BB- (S&P).         mation available to Ecuadorian citizens, and
       generated under the Service Contracts and (iv) a   The amounts raised shall be consolidated  strengthen public understanding on how natural
       percentage of the dividends or distributions paid  with the $ 1.5bn originally issued on June 3,  resources revenues are being managed.
       by OCP above a certain amount.      2020, under one single $ 2.5bn series of bonds.  Implementing the EITI will require that
         Carve-Out Provision: Upon the occurrence   PGF intends to use the net proceeds from the  the Ecuadorian government publicly discloses
       of certain conditions agreed to by the parties,  sale of the Notes to repurchase its 4.375% Global  information on contracts, beneficial owners,
       the Sellers have the right to carve-out the sale of  Notes due 2023, 4.250% Global Notes due 2023,  revenues and payments, information on state-
       the Midstream Business and their shares in OCP  6.250% Global Notes due 2024, 4.750% Global  owned enterprises (SOEs) and data related to
       from the perimeter of the Potential Transaction.  Notes due 2025, 5.299% Global Notes due  gender and environmental payments. These dis-
         Other Considerations: In the event the Sell-  2025, 8.750% Global Notes due 2026, 7.375%  closures will support ongoing efforts to publish
       ers do not exercise the carve-out right described  Global Notes due 2027, 5.999% Global Notes  better, more accessible and more timely data on
       above, upon the Closing, the Corporation will  due 2028, 5.750% Global Notes due 2029 and  Ecuador’s extractive sector.
       assume certain reversion costs associated with  5.093% Global Notes due 2030, in each case that   Ecuador is one of Latin America’s most
       the Blocks in an amount corresponding to  PGF accepts for purchase in the tender offers  important oil exporters and has a growing min-
       the Corporation’s participation interest in the  announced concurrently with the offering of the  ing sector.
       Blocks.                             Notes, and to use any remaining net proceeds for   With an oil production of 500,000 barrels a
         Advisors: Laurentian Bank Securities Inc.  general corporate purposes.  day, Ecuador’s extractive industry can provide
       and Horizon Capital are serving as financial   Petrobras, October 22 2020  important revenues for infrastructure and devel-
       advisors on this transaction.                                            opment. Transparency and accountability are
       New Stratus Energy, October 20 2020                                      key to ensure the country’s resources are man-
                                           POLICY                               aged responsibly.
                                                                                  Yet the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed
                                           Ecuador joins EITI after             Attracting investment will continue to be a pri-
       FINANCE                                                                  severe burdens on Ecuador’s public budget.
       Petrobras concludes $1bn  securing board approval                        ority for the government and will require it to
                                                                                demonstrate a high level of transparency.
       offering of global notes            The EITI Board has approved Ecuador’s applica-  in September 2019, noting that EITI imple-
                                                                                  The government committed to join the EITI
                                           tion to join the EITI, making it the 55th imple-
       Petrobras announces that yesterday it concluded  menting country and the 11th in Latin America.  mentation would help Ecuador in its pursuit of
       the offering of its 5.60% Global Notes due Janu-  “EITI implementation can underpin  “transparency and efficiency in managing the
       ary 2031 in the international capital market in  the modernisation of Ecuador’s regulatory  natural resources of the country.”
                                                                                  Civil society organisations have campaigned
                                                                                for Ecuador to join the EITI since 2012. Their
                                                                                continuous engagement, as well as commitment
                                                                                from some of Ecuador’s largest extractive com-
                                                                                panies, have been instrumental in presenting
                                                                                Ecuador’s candidature application.
                                                                                  Ecuador’s multi-stakeholder group (MSG)
                                                                                – composed of government, industry and civil
                                                                                society representatives – has developed an
                                                                                ambitious Work Plan for the next three years.
                                                                                The engagement of all the stakeholders will be
                                                                                important to ensure that EITI implementation
                                                                                aligns to national priorities and contributes to
                                                                                inclusive development.
                                                                                  Ecuador’s first disclosures according to the
                                                                                2019 EITI Standard will need to be made within
                                                                                18 months of being admitted as an EITI imple-
                                                                                menting country.
                                                                                EITI, October 15 2020

       Week 42   22•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P21
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