Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 42
P. 19
Peterson, OneSubsea agree
logistics services contract
in Trinidad and Tobago
Leading international energy logistics provider
Peterson has agreed a project logistics services
contract with OneSubsea to support their work
on the Matapal project in Trinidad and Tobago.
The contract award will see Peterson deliver
turnkey logistics support to OneSubsea for the
project, including undertaking the heavy mov-
ing and lifting, materials management, loading
and discharging and associated services for
three of the subsea structures that will support
the Matapal project.
Mobilisation will occur from the ChagTerms
base in Chaguaramas from October 2020 and
will continue until June 2021.
Maarten Spiljard, regional director at
Peterson, said: “We are delighted to work with
OneSubsea and support them on this impor-
tant project for the region. The contract award Products, associated with the CO2 Pilot Project Fast-track PSDM products are now available
demonstrates our experience and expertise in at the FRAM Exploration Gathering Station #4 and include Kirchhoff, Beam and RTM prod-
integrated project logistics, built on over 50 years’ in the Inniss-Trinity field. ucts. This GeoStreamer X project was acquired
experience supporting energy logistics globally, The carbon dioxide injection and delivery with 10 km-long offsets to improve depth veloc-
and our growing presence in this region.” system and site layout has been independently ity modeling accuracy of the post-salt, salt, and
Obinna Okafor, project manager on the inspected to ensure that the highest HSE stand- pre-salt sections.
Matapal project for OneSubsea, added: “It has ards possible are applied to enable operations to John Cramer, sales and services area manager
been a great pleasure working with Peterson on continue uninterrupted during the COVID-19 for Brazil commented: “We successfully com-
this project. Peterson has proven to be a reliable public health emergency. pleted the acquisition of the first phase of this
partner for the execution of subsea projects and Paul Griffiths, Chief Executive of Predator, programme despite the challenges caused by
together we have already successfully met sev- commented: “This is an important development the global pandemic. The fast-tack products are
eral milestones. We look forward to the success- that allows us to separately process enhanced ready now and we will have full-integrity depth
ful execution and delivery of the project in the oil production from CO2 EOR operations for products available prior to Brazil’s 17th Bidding
coming months.” sale and export through the existing pipeline Round in 2021. In addition, we will have the first
The contract will be active for a period of one infrastructure.” full-integrity GeoStreamer X products availa-
year, with both parties intent on exploring fur- Predator Oil & Gas, October 20 2020 ble over open pre-salt acreage in Campos in Q1
ther opportunities across the Caribbean region. 2021, and we hope to nominate these blocks for
Peterson is continuing to grow its presence in PGS delivers fast-track data upcoming Pre-salt Sharing Rounds.”
the Caribbean region and offers the full range of Ramform Titan has now completed her first-
logistics and marine agency services from bases on Campos basin acreage ever yard stay and will be heading back to Cam-
in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Suriname. pos to acquire an additional 8 000 square km on
Throughout the region, Peterson utilises its for Brazil’s 17th Round this programme. PGS will offer additional fast-
industry-leading software to proactively moni- track products over further 17th Round blocks
tor activity, providing greater visibility, efficiency PGS reports that PSDM products are now avail- prior to the round.
and accuracy in the movement of their clients’ able from the PGS Campos Deepwater GeoS- PGS, October 16 2020
critical resources. treamer X survey over the emerging play in the
Peterson Energy Logistics, October 21 2020 outboard Campos basin. The data targets acre- Petrobras comments on
age to be offered in Brazil’s 17th Bidding Round,
Predator Oil and Gas plus pre-salt open acreage adjacent to Albacora platform bidding
and Marlim Leste fields.
provides update on CO2 EOR in the Campos Basin, including: open acreage text of the COVID-19 scenario, it postponed the
The new dataset targets 14,500 square km Petrobras informs that, given the economic con-
Predator Oil & Gas has announced that the Per- offered in the 17th Bidding Round; pre-salt open Integrated Project of Parque das Baleias by about
manent Secretary for the Ministry of Energy and acreage adjacent to Albacora and Marlim Leste one year, with the start of operation and first oil
Energy Industries (MEEI) has granted approval fields; areas acquired and under contract in the to 2024, but preserving the scope of the project
for the use of the CO2 Recovery system, installed 14th Bidding Round, with drilling operations that foresees the relocation of wells between plat-
and commissioned by Predator and Massy Gas underway to test large pre-salt structures. forms in operation in the year 2022.
Week 42 22•October•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19