Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 42
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LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
The Dutch company will provide terminal towage support for FPSOs at Stabroek (Photo: KOTUG)
It calls for KOTUG to provide continuous ter- – producing oilfield. ExxonMobil and its part-
minal support to floating offshore production ners started commercial development oper-
(FPSO) facilities at Liza, a section of the Stabroek ations at the first phase of the field, which is
block, the Dutch firm said in a press statement. located approximately 193 km offshore Guy-
KOTUG said it intended to use a newly ana, last December. The South American state
acquired vessel, the SD Power, to support exist- is selling its share of oil from the field, which
ing and future FPSOs stationed at the Liza field. will see production peak at 120,000 barrels per
It will work through its local unit, KOTUG day (bpd), via marketing agents since it has no
Guyana, to provide towage assistance to export refinery.
tankers and for in-field support duties and cargo ExxonMobil operates Stabroek as part of a
duties. consortium with the US independent Hess and
“Being part of the growing offshore oil and China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC).
gas activities in the Co-operative Republic The block’s estimated gross discovered recover-
of Guyana and working together with one of able resources amount to more than 8bn barrels
world’s largest oil majors, ExxonMobil, for us of oil equivalent (boe). ExxonMobil and its part-
is an important milestone and in line with our ners have identified more than a dozen oil-bear-
long-term strategy to grow our business in the ing fields at the block. They expect to bring the
FPSO support market,” said Ard-Jan Kooren, second phase of Liza on stream in 2022 and will
CEO of KOTUG International. follow by launching development at the Payara
Liza is Guyana’s first – and thus far only field in 2024.
Raizen to invest $715mn in
Dock Sud refinery expansion
BRAZIL’S Raizen is to invest $715mn over numerous small and medium-sized companies.
the next three years in the modernisation and Teófilo Lacroze, Raizen Argentina’s presi-
expansion of its Dock Sud refinery in Argentina. dent, said the upgrade would benefit Argen-
The upgrade project will be carried out by tina’s economy “This investment plan is our
Raizen’s Argentinian unit, the operator of the commitment to collaborate in the reactivation
refinery. It will include the installation of a of the economy through the industrialisation of
fuel production line to increase the refinery’s Argentine oil, the growth of production and the
throughput capacity, which currently stands at generation of genuine employment,” he said.
110,000 barrels per day (bpd). “A large part of the investment will go to face
The company did not say how much the an ambitious project to continue developing
plant’s capacity would rise. But it did say that the quality products in our refinery, which will be
project would generate 4,000 new jobs and 3,000 90 years old next year,” he was quoted as saying
new contracts with local suppliers, including by Argentine daily Clarin.
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 42 22•October•2020