Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 42
P. 15

LatAmOil                                 US VIRGIN ISL ANDS                                        LatAmOil

                         The Limetree Bay refinery, which has a design   following year. In the interim, the plant was used
                         capacity of 350,000 bpd, was previously owned   mostly as a storage and transhipment facility.
                         by Hovensa, a joint venture set up by Hess,   Initially, Limetree Bay Ventures said it
                         a US-based independent, and Venezuela’s   intended to bring 200,000 bpd of capacity back
                         national oil company (NOC) PdVSA.    online by December 2019. It failed to meet that
                           Hovensa shut the refinery down in 2012   deadline, though, and then encountered addi-
                         and then declared bankruptcy in 2015 before   tional delays in 2020 as a result of the coronavi-
                         agreeing to sell it to Limetree Bay Ventures the   rus (COVID-19) pandemic. ™

                                                     VENEZUEL A
       Washington authorises Eni to unload

       Venezuelan crude from listing FSO

                         ITALY’S Eni said earlier this week that it had
                         secured US authorisation for the unloading of
                         heavy crude oil from the Nabarima, a floating
                         storage and off-loading (FSO) vessel moored in
                         the Gulf of Paria between Venezuela and Trini-
                         dad and Tobago.
                           In a statement dated October 19, Eni
                         reported that Venezuela’s national oil company
                         (NOC) PdVSA would use one of its tankers, a
                         Panama-registered Aframax known as the Icaro,
                         to relieve the Nabarima. The FSO is loaded with
                         about 1.3mn barrels of heavy crude from Coro-
                         coro, a field assigned to an Eni-PdVSA joint ven-  Tipco’s plant in Malaysia depends on Venezuelan crude (Photo: Tipco)
                         ture known as PetroSucre.
                           The vessel has been listing sharply for some   Officials in Washington have now green-
                         time, raising concerns about the possibility of an   lighted the Italian major’s plan.
                         oil spill in the Gulf of Paria.        “Eni is ready to perform the activities to
                           A Trinidadian environmental group, Fish-  ensure the safe offloading of the Nabarima FSO
                         ermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS), said in a   offshore Venezuela, using state-of-the-art solu-
                         statement on October 16 that it had used a drone   tions,” the statement said. “The company will be
                         to examine and photograph the Nabarima. The   able to proceed only after approval of its plan by
                         resulting photographs “showed the vessel tilt-  PdVSA (majority shareholder and operator in
                         ing at 25 to 30 degrees and increasing,” FFOS   PetroSucre) and upon formal assurance by the
                         said. “Its anchor chains are taut, under extreme   competent US authorities that the mentioned
                         pressure.”                           activities bring no sanctions risk either for Eni
                           For its part, Eni has been trying to keep the   [or] its contractors.”
                         vessel stable while waiting for the US govern-  After Eni issued its statement, Reuters said,
                         ment, which has imposed sanctions on Ven-  citing data from Refinitiv Eikon, that the Icaro
                         ezuela’s oil sector (both in general and with   had approached the Nabarima on October 20.
                         respect to specific components such as PdVSA   As of press time, no further information about
                         and tankers such as the Icaro), to authorise   the unloading operation, which will involve
                         unloading operations.                ship-to-ship (STS) transfer, was available. ™

       KOTUG to support Stabroek project

                         NETHERLANDS-BASED KOTUG Interna-       The contract, which marks the firm’s entrance
                         tional has been awarded a long-term contract   into the South American market, was awarded
                         to provide offshore terminal towage support for   by Esso Exploration and Production Guyana, a
                         operations in Guyana.                subsidiary of the US super-major ExxonMobil.

       Week 42   22•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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