Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2023
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            The credit facility provides added financial   Permian Resources.
                                           flexibility to support the company’s growth.  Permian Resources has entered into a
       Lycos Energy announces              approximately 1,250 boepd (98.5% oil) in   definitive agreement to acquire 4,000 net
                                             The company’s current production is
                                                                                leasehold acres, 3,300 net royalty acres
       operational update                  Saskatchewan. Additionally, Lycos owns a   and 1,100 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                                           21.85% equity interest in Chronos Duvernay
                                                                                (boepd) (73% oil) of net production, located
       Lycos Energy is pleased to provide an   Limited Partnership, which is currently   predominantly in Lea County, New Mexico
       operational update. Lycos is extremely   producing 1,225 boepd (gross, 100% oil) in   from an undisclosed third-party for a total
       optimistic about the results of its first multi-  Alberta.               purchase price of $98mn.
       leg “fishbone” well drilled at 08-33-043-22W3.   Lycos has demonstrated that its ability   This purchase price reflects an acquisition
       This 100% working interest well has been on   to apply multi-lateral well design to make   value of approximately $8,000 per net
       production since late November 2022. The   previously uneconomic drilling locations   leasehold acre and approximately $7,000 per
       well achieved an average 30-day production   economic. The new well shows very   net royalty acre. The properties’ operated
       (“IP30”) rate of 149 boepd and is currently   compelling returns and short payouts at   position consists of largely undeveloped
       producing 150 boepd (100% oil). At recent   current WCS pricing, and Lycos intends to   acreage and is contiguous to one of the
       strip pricing of $50 per barrel WCS, the well   use its strong cash position and balance sheet   company’s existing core blocks in Lea
       is expected to achieve payout in less than 10   to organically develop and opportunistically   County. Permian Resources has identified
       months.                             acquire substantial inventory of new multi-  approximately 45 gross operated two-mile
         A second 8 leg multi-lateral well was   lateral development prospects to drive   locations from the properties being acquired
       drilled at 08-31-043-22W3 from the same   increased shareholder returns.  that immediately compete for capital within
       drilling pad. This well achieved an IP30 of   LYCOS ENERGY, January 16, 2023  the existing portfolio. The acquired properties
       97 boepd and is currently producing 89                                   also include non-operated acreage largely
       boepd (100% oil). At recent strip pricing of   Permian Resources         adjacent to and surrounding Permian
       $50 per barrel WCS, the well is expected to                              Resources’ position, which the company plans
       achieve payout in less than 15 months. The   announces portfolio         to utilise for future acreage trades and other
       significantly better result on the fishbone is                           portfolio management transactions.
       consistent with pre-drill estimates regarding   optimisation transactions  PERMIAN RESOURCES, January 17, 2023
       production enhancement from the fishbone
       geometry well.                      Permian Resources Corporation today
         Based on the results of these two wells,   announced that it has entered into a series   SERVICES
       Lycos has confirmed that the increased   of portfolio management transactions,
       reservoir contact provided by the “fishbone”   comprising of a bolt-on acquisition, a   Cathedral Energy
       design appears to provide superior capital   divestiture of non-operated production and
       efficiency with an approximate 60% increase   acreage and a divestiture of a portion of its   Services announces 2023
       in productivity with a 10-15% increase in   water infrastructure assets in Reeves County,
       capital expenditures, compared to single and   Texas.                    corporation and operational
       multi-leg wells drilled in the vicinity.  “At Permian Resources, we believe our
         As a follow up to these successful results,   focus on portfolio management will continue   update
       Lycos is embarking on a drilling campaign in   to drive value for our shareholders. The
       Q1 2023 which will consist of fishbone drills   combined transactions high-grade our   Cathedral Energy Services is pleased to
       and additional water disposal wells.  portfolio, adding 45 top-quartile locations,   announce a January 2023 corporate update,
         Lycos entered into a credit agreement in   4,000 net acres with significant development   including its capital spending plans for the
       respect of a new revolving credit facility for up   potential and 3,100 net royalty acres while   year and a management update.
       to CAD20.0mn. The credit facility is undrawn,  generating approximately $100mn in net   Following a record third quarter in
       uncommitted and payable on demand.   cash proceeds,” said James Walter, co-CEO of   2022, Cathedral continued to build on
                                                                                the momentum created as a result of a
                                                                                consolidation strategy with a more robust
                                                                                fourth quarter of 2022 in both Canada and
                                                                                the US. Against a backdrop of a US industry
                                                                                land drilling rig count that increased 2%
                                                                                sequentially from Q3-2022 levels and a
                                                                                Canadian industry rig count that declined
                                                                                6% sequentially (Source: Baker Hughes),
                                                                                preliminary indications are that Cathedral’s
                                                                                consolidated revenues for Q4-22 increased
                                                                                over 10% from Q3-2022 (even after
                                                                                normalizing for a full quarter of contribution
                                                                                from Cathedral’s Altitude acquisition in
                                                                                Q3-2022). The improvement in consecutive
                                                                                quarterly financial results occurred despite the
                                                                                annual slowdown in activity in Canada for the
                                                                                holiday season.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   19•January•2023
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