Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2023
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       British Columbia, First Nations

       reach Montney deal

        BRITISH          THE Canadian province of British Columbia has  land will be off-limits. Oil and gas activity is not
        COLUMBIA         announced a land, water and resource manage-  limited on land that has already been disturbed.
                         ment agreement with the Blueberry River First   The province and tribe will also jointly
                         Nations Indigenous group for the Montney shale  manage land use, and the Blueberry River will
                         play.                                receive C CAD87.5mn ($65.3mn ) over the next
                           Development in the Montney can now  three years and may benefit further from reve-
                         restart, but the rate at which land is used for new  nue-sharing and BC royalties.
                         oil and gas wells will be about halved.  The news was welcomed by industry, which   The agreement
                           New well licences have been halted in BC  has said it needed certainty going forward.
                         since June 2021, when the province’s supreme  According to the British Columbia Oil and Gas   requires a new
                         court agreed that the Blueberry River’s indige-  Commission, only 319 gas well licences had
                         nous territory had been degraded by industrial  been issued in the province since June 2021,  planning set-up
                         activity such as shale development and forestry.  compared with 552 in the same period before
                         Specifically, the court ruled that decades of  the court’s decision.      for future oil and
                         development on the Blueberry River’s 33,000   BC Premier David Eby said at the news con-  gas development.
                         square km in northern BC had violated the  ference: “This agreement does have an impact
                         tribe’s Treaty 8 rights.             on oil and gas development in the north-east.”
                           “There’s no longer business as usual,” Chief  He said the industry will have to innovate. “It’s
                         Judy Desjarlais of the Blueberry River said at a  not a cap on production, it’s a cap on land distur-
                         press conference on January 18 after the agree-  bance,” he continued.
                         ment was announced. “This agreement provides   At the news conference, Petronas Energy
                         a clear pathway to get the hard work started on  Canada’s CEO, Izwan Ismail, described the
                         healing and restoring the land, and start on the  agreement as important and added: “This will
                         joint planning with strong criteria to protect  ensure that the gas we deliver to the LNG Can-
                         ecosystems, wildlife habitat and old forests,” she  ada project is responsibly produced right here in
                         added.                               BC, benefiting Blueberry River First Nations and
                           The agreement requires a new planning  other First Nations in the entire province and
                         set-up for future oil and gas development, an  country.” Petronas owns 25% of the LNG Can-
                         annual 7.50-km cap on new land that oil and gas  ada export project, which is under construction
                         activity can disturb, while 6,500 square km of  in Kitimat, on BC’s Pacific Coast.™

       Week 03   19•January•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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