Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2023
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Federal regulators approve Transco

       gas pipeline expansion

        US NORTHEAST     THE US Federal Energy Regulatory Commis-  said the API’s vice president of midstream pol-
                         sion (FERC) has approved Transcontinental Gas  icy, Robin Rorick. “A modern US infrastructure
                         Pipe Line’s (Transco ) Regional Energy Access  system with a transparent, timely and consist-
                         expansion project in the country’s Northeast.  ent permitting process is a bipartisan issue and
                         Transco is a subsidiary of Williams.  is crucial to harnessing the power of American
                           The approval was given in a 4:0 vote. How-  energy.”
                         ever, it is not universally supported, with the   Environmental groups intend to appeal   The expansion,
                         New Jersey Board of Public Utilities having said  against the FERC’s decision and are urging the
                         that the project is not needed because the state  Democratic New Jersey Governor, Phil Murphy,   involving new
                         has adequate gas pipeline capacity until 2030.  to block the expansion. Murphy has made green-
                           The expansion, involving new and upgraded  house gas (GHG) emissions a cornerstone of his   and upgraded
                         facilities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and  policy platform.
                         Maryland, would deliver gas from the Mar-  “[Transco’s pipeline expansion] will under-  facilities in
                         cellus shale play in north-east Pennsylvania. It  mine New Jersey’s goal of reducing greenhouse   Pennsylvania,
                         would provide greater access to gas in time for  gases [by] 50% by 2030 and would actually lead
                         the 2024 winter heating season, according to  to a 16% increase in our total greenhouse gas   New Jersey and
                         Williams.                            output annually,” said the New Jersey League
                           Gas supply constraints in the region would  of Conservation Voters’ executive director, Ed  Maryland, would
                         be eased, Williams has said , with the expansion  Potosnak, following the FERC’s approval.
                         providing enough gas supply to serve around   Indeed, the FERC has acknowledged that the   deliver gas from
                         3mn homes. The project is designed to increase  expanded pipeline, once operating, could lead to   the Marcellus
                         natural gas transportation capacity by up to  a rise in New Jersey’s emissions by 11.8% com-
                         829,000 dekatherms (24.1mn cubic metres) per  pared to 2019 levels.            shale.
                         day.                                   The regulator acknowledged New Jersey’s
                           The American Petroleum Institute (API)  goals of emissions reduction, but noted that gas
                         welcomed the approval. “We are pleased that  utilities are not required to adopt non-pipeline
                         FERC has unanimously recognised the vital  alternatives – such as electrification of buildings
                         importance of a reliable energy supply to support  – and that alternatives, from renewable natural
                         growing energy demand at home and abroad,”  gas to green hydrogen, may not be available.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   19•January•2023
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