Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 03 2023
P. 13

NorthAmOil                            PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       ConocoPhillips reportedly open to exploring

       deal for selling Venezuelan crude oil in US

        US-VENEZUELA     HOUSTON-BASED ConocoPhillips is open to  Department that enables it to negotiate debt
                         exploring a deal to sell Venezuelan oil in the US,  recovery with PdVSA but is not legally author-
                         sources familiar with the matter confirmed last  ised to import Venezuelan oil.
                         week.                                  When contacted by Dow Jones Newswires
                           According to the sources, the US company is  for comment, ConocoPhillips declined to
                         looking for ways to recover the almost $10bn it  respond directly, instead offering the following
                         is owed by Caracas. ConocoPhillips abandoned  statement: “Regarding PdVSA recovery efforts,
                         its Venezuelan assets in 2007 when they were  ConocoPhillips is committed to pursuing all
                         nationalised by the government of then-Presi-  available legal avenues to protect our rights and
                         dent Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013 and was  obtain a full and fair recovery of the awards in
                         then succeeded by Nicolas Maduro, his vice  recognition of our fiduciary responsibility to our
                         president.                           shareholders.”
                           In a bid to retrieve these assets, ConocoPhil-  Meanwhile, the US State Department has   The deal
                         lips has entered into preliminary talks with Ven-  refused to answer questions pertaining to Cono-
                         ezuela’s national oil company (NOC) PdVSA to  coPhillips’ licence. Instead, it has stood by its pre-  reportedly
                         explore options for transporting and selling Ven-  vious claim that its policy is designed to support
                         ezuela oil in the US. A deal of this nature would  democracy in Venezuela.  proposed by
                         help ConocoPhillips recover lost income while   Reports of ConocoPhillips’ interest of Ven-
                         also meeting growing US energy needs.  ezuela are emerging as Chevron, another US   ConocoPhillips
                           In 2019, the US imposed sanctions against  company, works to act on its own permission to   could help revive
                         Venezuela’s oil sector on the grounds of human  take action in that country. Chevron received a
                         rights violations and election fraud, alleging that  licence from the US government in November to   oil trade between
                         Maduro had used illegal means to secure re-elec-  restart oil production and exports from its exist-
                         tion. Washington therefore cut off nearly all of  ing joint ventures in Venezuela in what marked  the two countries.
                         PdVSA’s trade links with world oil, gas and fuels  the beginning of the easing of economic sanc-
                         markets. Previously the US had been Venezue-  tions against the South American country.
                         la’s main destination oil exports, and several US   According to press reports, Chevron recently
                         Gulf Coast refineries had been built specifically  delivered its first cargoes of Venezuelan crude
                         to process Venezuelan heavy crude.   to the US market and is now working to expand
                           The deal reportedly proposed by Cono-  sales of these volumes beyond its own refining
                         coPhillips could help revive oil trade between  network. A source with knowledge of the situa-
                         the two countries. Technically, though, the US  tion told Bloomberg said that the company had
                         company does not have permission to engage  now sold its first load of Venezuelan oil – con-
                         in all activities related to such trade. The com-  sisting of some 500,000 barrels of heavy Hamaca
                         pany has received a licence from the US Treasury  grade – to Phillips 66, a US refinery operator.™

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