Page 14 - DMEA Week 36 2022
P. 14
Including selections from NewsBase’s partner service
Chariot partners with Total
Eren on green hydrogen
project in Mauritania
The Consortium, composed of Chariot, the
Africa focused transitional energy company,
and Total Eren, a leading renewable energy Inde-
pendent Power Producer (IPP) based in Paris,
has announced that it will launch feasibility stud-
ies in order to co-develop the Nour Project, a
large-scale green hydrogen project to be located
in Mauritania.
Key features of the Partnership: Equally
owned (50:50) partnership between Chariot and
Total Eren; The Consortium will benefit from
the dedicated expertise of Total Eren’s teams,
holding a wide range of experience and knowl-
edge in solar, wind, hybrid and green hydrogen
projects globally; Chariot will co-lead on project next steps on the Project together with Chariot.” Construction Company (NPCC) after a compet-
development and permitting, local content, and Adonis Pouroulis, Chariot’s CEO, added: itive tender process. Over 75% of the award value
stakeholder engagement; The Consortium will “We are delighted to have further cemented will flow back into the UAE economy under
seek to progress on the in-depth feasibility study our partnership with Total Eren, a world-class ADNOC’s In-Country Value (ICV) program
and offtake for the green hydrogen; and Char- leader in renewable energies. We look forward to and job opportunities will be created for UAE
iot and Total Eren may evaluate further green working together on this highly important green Nationals by the contractor, providing them
hydrogen opportunities together in other Afri- hydrogen development in Mauritania. Having a practical exposure in executing EPC contracts.
can countries. partner of such calibre, who shares our vision The new pipeline will cater for the increased
Thanks to its unique solar and wind and focus for the future, is a key part of develop- volume of associated gas produced by Lower
resources, Mauritania has proved to be excep- ing this valuable asset and marks an important Zakum field as the field’s oil production capacity
tionally well-placed to implement Power-to-X step forward in Project Nour’s evolution. We are increases to 450,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil
solutions, providing Nour Project the possibility keen to continue to expand our green hydrogen by 2025.
to produce among the most competitive green project portfolio and, as with our renewables Yaser Saeed Almazrouei, ADNOC Upstream
hydrogen in the world. With a potential reach- business, we look forward to collaborating on Executive Director, said: “This contract award
ing up to 10 GW of electrolysis to be installed, it further opportunities alongside Total Eren in will enable us to produce more gas as we increase
could become, once fully implemented, one of the future.” production capacity from Lower Zakum field.
the most significant green hydrogen projects in Chariot, September 6 2022 This will support our integrated gas master-
Africa. plan which is driving competitive gas recovery
Through the Nour Project, the Consortium to enable gas self-sufficiency for the UAE and
will contribute to a sustainable economic devel- PIPELINES industrial growth, while also helping to meet
opment in Mauritania, including potentially the increasing global demand for energy. With
providing baseload power to the national grid, ADNOC announces $548mn over 75% in-country value resulting from the
diversifying industrial activities, promoting job award, the project will further stimulate eco-
creation and developing local infrastructure. It contract for a new main gas nomic growth and create opportunities for the
will also be providing a cost-effective, transport- private sector, in line with the UAE Leadership’s
able energy solution to replace CO2 emitting line at its Lower Zakum field wise directives.”
fuels for exportation to the European market. The project will be completed in 2025 and it
Fabienne Demol, Executive Vice-President & Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) has will see the construction of a new subsea pipe-
Global Head of Business Development of Total announced the award of a $548mn (AED2.01bn) line that will run 85 km from Zakum West Super
Eren, stated: “We believe that green hydrogen is contract to build a new main gas line at its Lower Complex to Das Island. It also includes provi-
going to be an essential part of the energy mix Zakum field offshore of Abu Dhabi. The award sions to construct, install and test a new platform
in the future, and we are delighted to enter into will increase Lower Zakum field’s gas production at the super complex as well as a new gas receiv-
this new partnership on a continent where our capacity from 430mn to 700mn cubic feet per ing facility at Das Island.
strategic shareholder, TotalEnergies, holds a day, supporting ADNOC’s plans to enable gas Ahmad Saqer Al Suwaidi, ADNOC Offshore
strong footprint. Our skillsets complement self-sufficiency for the United Arab Emirates CEO, said: “Lower Zakum is a strategic asset
Chariot’s well and we intend to share our exper- (UAE) and cater for increasing global energy for ADNOC and the UAE and working with
tise throughout the project’s development. I also demand. our international partners, we will continue to
would like to take the opportunity to thank the The Engineering, Procurement and Con- responsibly unlock and maximise value from the
Mauritanian authorities for their support and struction (EPC) contract was awarded by field in line with ADNOC’s 2030 smart growth
collaboration. We look forward to taking the ADNOC Offshore to National Petroleum strategy.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 36 08•September•2022