Page 11 - DMEA Week 36 2022
P. 11

DMEA                                      REFINING & FUELS                                            DMEA

                         It did not disclose the size of the cargo but said   because it confirms the importance of the
                         that representatives of its local affiliate KP Italia,   European market to KPC and shows that KPI,
                         as well as KPC’s international marketing direc-  through its team in Italy, is a stable, reliable and
                         torate, had been present to mark the arrival of   trusted partner that is ready and able to meet all
                         the fuel.                            customer needs,” he commented. “Our goal is
                           The diesel sailed from Kuwait to Italy on the   to provide a stable supply chain to meet diverse
                         Al-Soor II, a vessel owned by Kuwait Oil Tanker   mobility needs, and we will continue to do so
                         Co. KPC’s international marketing directorate   with the help of our parent company and sister
                         helped arrange the shipment, KPI said.  companies in Kuwait.”
                           The company also noted that the ULSD had   KPI is mostly active in Europe. It operates
                         been produced at the Mina Abdullah refinery,   more than 4,700 filling stations there under
                         a 240,000 barrel per day (bpd) oil-processing   the brand names Q8, Q8Easy and Tango and
                         plant owned by Kuwait National Petroleum   also provides jet fuel to more than 70 airlines at
                         Co. (KNPC). That plant, along with the Mina   major airport hubs. The company also has equity
                         Al Ahmadi refinery, has been upgraded within   stakes in refineries in Italy, Oman and Vietnam
                         the framework of KNPC’s Clean Fuels Project,   and owns two lubricant blending plants that
                         to allow the production of higher-quality fuels   operate under the brand name Q8Oils in Italy
                         with lower sulphur content.          and Belgium. ™
                           As a result of this project, which was com-
                         pleted in 2020, the Mina Abdullah plant has
                         gained the ability to turn out diesel that meets
                         Euro-6 emissions standards.
                           Waleed Ben Ali, the acting president and
                         CEO of KPI, hailed the company’s successful
                         delivery of its first ULSD cargo to Italy. “Kuwait
                         Petroleum’s footprint in the European markets
                         is 40 years strong because we have consistently
                         provided our customers with energy that meets
                         their need for a diverse slate of cleaner products,”
                         he said. “We look forward to further integration
                         with our parent company KPC and our sister
                         companies in Kuwait so we can further integrate
                         our supply chain and grow our global business.”
                           Fadel Al-Faraj, the managing director of KP
                         Italia, spoke similarly. “I am very proud we have
                         concluded this deal with our parent company   KPI representatives received the fuel in Naples on September 1 (Photo: KUNA)

       Israeli PM OKs sale of Haifa refinery

       to Israel Petrochemical Enterprises

           MIDDLE EAST   ISRAEL Petrochemical Enterprises is set to go   unanimously in March of this year to shut the
                         ahead with the acquisition of Bazan, the oper-  plant down, along with its storage depot in
                         ator of a 197,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery   nearby Kiryat Chaim, within 10 years. Environ-
                         in Haifa, as Prime Minister Yair Lapid gave his   ment Minister Tamar Zandberg has pressed the
                         approval to the deal on September 6.  government to keep this commitment, as have
                           Lapid’s authorisation had been the last step   local environmental organisations and Alon
                         standing in the way of the proposed takeover.   Tal, a legislator from the Blue and White Party,
                         Crude oil refining is classified as an essential   which is part of Lapid’s coalition.
                         industry in Israel, and as such the deal required   Even so, the owners of Israel Petrochemi-
                         the approval of the full government.  cal Enterprises – David Federman, Adi Feder-
                           Israel’s Finance and Energy Ministries had   man, Jacob Gottenstein and Alex Passal – said
                         already given a green light to the sale on Sep-  in a stock exchange notice that they intended
                         tember 5.                            to co-operate with the government’s plans for
                           According to press reports, the prime minis-  rehabilitating and developing the Haifa Bay
                         ter’s authorisation did not make the sale condi-  area. This includes working with all relevant
                         tional upon the closure of the Bazan plant within   state agencies to form a team that will negotiate
                         a decade.                            the closure of the Bazan plant, as well as com-
                           Members of Lapid’s cabinet had voted   pensation for the closure, they wrote.

       Week 36   08•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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